Create Structure Elements Tree

In this step-by-step guide, we will explain the source code in C# to create a structure of tree elements using Aspose.PDF for .NET. We will show you how to create a PDF document with structured elements and how to organize them hierarchically. Using the Aspose.PDF library greatly simplifies the manipulation of PDF elements and provides advanced functionality for working with structured documents.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

Before you begin, make sure you’ve set up your development environment with Aspose.PDF for .NET. Also make sure you have the path to your documents directory set in the dataDir variable.

Step 2: Creating a PDF Document

To start, we’ll create a new PDF document using the Document class provided by Aspose.PDF. Here is the code for this step:

// The path to the documents directory.

// Create a PDF document
Document document = new Document();

Step 3: Getting content to work with TaggedPdf

The Aspose.PDF library allows working with structured PDF documents using the concept of Tagged PDF. For this, we need to get a reference to the tagged content item using the document’s TaggedContent property. Here is the code for this step:

// Get content to work with TaggedPdf
ITaggedContent taggedContent = document.TaggedContent;

Step 4: Set document title and language

Before we start creating the structure of the elements, we need to define the title and the language of the document. This can be done using the SetTitle and SetLanguage methods of the taggedContent object. Here is the code for this step:

// Define the document title and language
taggedContent.SetTitle("Structured PDF Document");

Step 5: Creating Logical Structure Elements

Now that we’ve set up our document and set the title and language, we can start creating logical structure elements. These elements will be organized hierarchically to form the structure tree. Here is the code for this step:

// Obtain the root structure element (Document)
StructureElement rootElement = taggedContent.RootElement;

// Create the logical structure
SectElement sect1 = taggedContent.CreateSectElement();

SectElement sect2 = taggedContent.CreateSectElement();

DivElement div11 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

DivElement div12 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

ArtElement art21 = taggedContent.CreateArtElement();

ArtElement art22

  = taggedContent.CreateArtElement();

DivElement div211 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

DivElement div212 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

DivElement div221 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

DivElement div222 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

SectElement sect3 = taggedContent.CreateSectElement();

DivElement div31 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();

Step 6: Saving the tagged PDF document

Once we have created the element structure, we can save the PDF document. Use the Save method of the document object to specify the path and name of the PDF file to save. Here is the code for this step:

// Save the tagged PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "StructureElementsTree.pdf");

Sample source code for Create Structure Elements Tree using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
// Create Pdf Document
Document document = new Document();
// Get Content for work with TaggedPdf
ITaggedContent taggedContent = document.TaggedContent;
// Set Title and Language for Documnet
taggedContent.SetTitle("Tagged Pdf Document");
// Get root structure element (Document)
StructureElement rootElement = taggedContent.RootElement;
// Create Logical Structure
SectElement sect1 = taggedContent.CreateSectElement();
SectElement sect2 = taggedContent.CreateSectElement();
DivElement div11 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
DivElement div12 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
ArtElement art21 = taggedContent.CreateArtElement();
ArtElement art22 = taggedContent.CreateArtElement();
DivElement div211 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
DivElement div212 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
DivElement div221 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
DivElement div222 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
SectElement sect3 = taggedContent.CreateSectElement();
DivElement div31 = taggedContent.CreateDivElement();
// Save Tagged Pdf Document
document.Save(dataDir + "StructureElementsTree.pdf");


You have learned how to create a structure of tree elements using Aspose.PDF for .NET. This guide has shown you the steps needed to set up a PDF document, create logical structure elements, and save the final document. By using Aspose.PDF, you can easily manipulate PDF elements and create structured documents.


Q: What is the purpose of creating a structure of tree elements in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET?

A: Creating a structure of tree elements in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET allows you to organize the content hierarchically. This structured approach improves document accessibility, navigation, and semantics, making it easier for users and assistive technologies to interpret and interact with the content.

Q: How does the provided C# code create a structure of tree elements in a PDF document?

A: The code example demonstrates how to create a hierarchical structure of logical elements using the SectElement, DivElement, and ArtElement classes provided by Aspose.PDF. These elements are organized as parent and child nodes, forming a tree-like structure within the document.

Q: How does the TaggedContent property of the Document class contribute to creating a structured PDF document?

A: The TaggedContent property provides access to the tagged content features of the PDF document. This allows you to create and manipulate structured elements, define their relationships, and organize them hierarchically, enhancing the document’s structure and accessibility.

Q: Why is it important to set the document’s title and language using the SetTitle and SetLanguage methods?

A: Setting the document’s title and language using the SetTitle and SetLanguage methods enhances the accessibility and semantics of the document. It helps users and assistive technologies understand the purpose and language of the document.

Q: How are SectElement, DivElement, and ArtElement used to create the structure tree?

A: These classes represent different types of structure elements. SectElement is used to create sections, DivElement for divisions within sections, and ArtElement for artwork or illustrations. By appending child elements to parent elements, you establish a hierarchical structure.

Q: What are the benefits of organizing elements hierarchically in a PDF document?

A: Organizing elements hierarchically improves document organization, navigation, and semantics. It allows users and assistive technologies to comprehend the content’s structure and relationships, enhancing the overall user experience.

Q: How does the Save method ensure the preservation of the hierarchical structure in the tagged PDF document?

A: The Save method saves the PDF document along with the hierarchical structure created using the AppendChild method. This ensures that the structure remains intact, making the document accessible and well-organized.

Q: Can I customize the structure tree further by adding other types of logical elements?

A: Yes, you can customize the structure tree further by adding other types of logical elements provided by Aspose.PDF, such as headers, paragraphs, figures, and more. You can experiment with different element types to create a tailored structure.

Q: How can the created structured tree improve document accessibility and usability?

A: The structured tree enhances document accessibility by providing a clear hierarchy and semantic meaning to the content. Assistive technologies and users can navigate, understand, and interpret the document’s structure and relationships more effectively.

Q: How can I apply this knowledge to create complex structured PDF documents for various use cases?

A: You can build upon this knowledge by combining different types of structure elements and arranging them hierarchically to match the desired content organization. This approach is valuable for creating complex documents such as reports, articles, manuals, and more.