Rotate Text Using Paragraph In PDF File

This tutorial explains how to use Aspose.PDF for .NET to rotate text using paragraphs. The provided C# source code demonstrates the process step by step.


Before proceeding with the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • Basic knowledge of C# programming language.
  • Aspose.PDF for .NET library installed. You can obtain it from the Aspose website or use NuGet to install it in your project.

Step 1: Set up the project

Start by creating a new C# project in your preferred integrated development environment (IDE) and add a reference to the Aspose.PDF for .NET library.

Step 2: Import necessary namespaces

Add the following using directives at the beginning of your C# file to import the required namespaces:

using Aspose.Pdf;
using Aspose.Pdf.Text;
using Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextBuilder;

Step 3: Create the PDF document

Initialize the Document object to create a new PDF document:

Document pdfDocument = new Document();

Make sure to replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" with the actual path to your document directory.

Step 4: Add a page

Get a particular page from the document using the Pages.Add() method:

Page pdfPage = (Page)pdfDocument.Pages.Add();

Step 5: Create the text paragraph

Create a TextParagraph object and set its position on the page:

TextParagraph paragraph = new TextParagraph();
paragraph.Position = new Position(200, 600);

Adjust the position values as per your requirements.

Step 6: Create and configure text fragments

Create multiple TextFragment objects and set their text and properties:

TextFragment textFragment1 = new TextFragment("rotated text");
textFragment1.TextState.FontSize = 12;
textFragment1.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman");
textFragment1.TextState.Rotation = 45;

TextFragment textFragment2 = new TextFragment("main text");
textFragment2.TextState.FontSize = 12;
textFragment2.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman");

TextFragment textFragment3 = new TextFragment("another rotated text");
textFragment3.TextState.FontSize = 12;
textFragment3.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman");
textFragment3.TextState.Rotation = -45;

Adjust the text and other properties as desired.

Step 7: Append text fragments to the paragraph

Append the created text fragments to the paragraph using the AppendLine method:


Step 8: Create a TextBuilder and append the paragraph

Create a TextBuilder object using the pdfPage and append the text paragraph to the PDF page:

TextBuilder textBuilder = new TextBuilder(pdfPage);

Step 9: Save the PDF document

Save the modified PDF document to a file using the Save method:

pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "TextFragmentTests_Rotated2_out.pdf");

Make sure to replace "TextFragmentTests_Rotated2_out.pdf" with the desired output file name.

Sample source code for Rotate Text Using Paragraph using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// Initialize document object
Document pdfDocument = new Document();
// Get particular page
Page pdfPage = (Page)pdfDocument.Pages.Add();
TextParagraph paragraph = new TextParagraph();
paragraph.Position = new Position(200, 600);
// Create text fragment
TextFragment textFragment1 = new TextFragment("rotated text");
// Set text properties
textFragment1.TextState.FontSize = 12;
textFragment1.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman");
// Set rotation
textFragment1.TextState.Rotation = 45;
// Create text fragment
TextFragment textFragment2 = new TextFragment("main text");
// Set text properties
textFragment2.TextState.FontSize = 12;
textFragment2.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman");
// Create text fragment
TextFragment textFragment3 = new TextFragment("another rotated text");
// Set text properties
textFragment3.TextState.FontSize = 12;
textFragment3.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman");
// Set rotation
textFragment3.TextState.Rotation = -45;
// Append the text fragments to the paragraph
// Create TextBuilder object
TextBuilder textBuilder = new TextBuilder(pdfPage);
// Append the text paragraph to the PDF page
// Save document
pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "TextFragmentTests_Rotated2_out.pdf");


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to rotate text using paragraphs in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET. This tutorial provided a step-by-step guide, from creating the document to saving the modified version. You can now incorporate this code into your own C# projects to manipulate text rotation in PDF files.


Q: What is the purpose of the “Rotate Text Using Paragraph” tutorial?

A: The “Rotate Text Using Paragraph” tutorial aims to guide you through the process of using the Aspose.PDF library for .NET to rotate text using text paragraphs in a PDF document. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions and sample code to achieve this functionality.

Q: What is meant by “rotating text using paragraphs”?

A: Rotating text using paragraphs refers to the ability to apply rotation to text within a PDF document using text paragraphs. This technique allows you to orient text at different angles or positions within the PDF content.

Q: Why would I want to rotate text in a PDF document?

A: Rotating text in a PDF document can be useful for various purposes, such as emphasizing specific content, creating artistic designs, or improving layout and readability.

Q: How can I create a new PDF document?

A: To create a new PDF document, initialize a Document object from the Aspose.PDF library. You can use this object to add pages and content to the PDF.

Q: How do I rotate text using paragraphs?

A: To rotate text using paragraphs:

  1. Create a TextParagraph object.
  2. Create TextFragment objects with the desired text and rotation angles.
  3. Append the text fragments to the text paragraph.
  4. Create a TextBuilder object and append the text paragraph to a specific PDF page.

Q: Can I control the rotation angle of individual text fragments?

A: Yes, you can control the rotation angle of individual TextFragment objects by setting the TextState.Rotation property. Positive values indicate clockwise rotation, while negative values indicate counterclockwise rotation.

Q: Can I apply different rotation angles to different text fragments within the same paragraph?

A: Yes, you can apply different rotation angles to different TextFragment objects within the same paragraph by setting the TextState.Rotation property of each fragment accordingly.

Q: How do I save the rotated PDF document?

A: To save the rotated PDF document, use the Save method of the Document object and provide the desired output file path and name.