Adjust Contrast of an Image with Aspose.PSD for Java


In the realm of image processing with Java, Aspose.PSD stands out as a powerful tool. Among its myriad features, adjusting image contrast is a common requirement. This tutorial will walk you through the process of adjusting image contrast using Aspose.PSD for Java. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, this guide will help you master this essential aspect of image manipulation.


Before diving into the tutorial, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Basic understanding of Java programming.
  • Aspose.PSD for Java library installed. You can download it here.

Import Packages

To get started, you need to import the necessary packages into your Java project. Add the following lines to your code:

import com.aspose.psd.Image;
import com.aspose.psd.RasterImage;

import com.aspose.psd.fileformats.tiff.enums.TiffExpectedFormat;
import com.aspose.psd.fileformats.tiff.enums.TiffPhotometrics;
import com.aspose.psd.imageoptions.TiffOptions;

Step 1: Load the Image

String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
String sourceFile = dataDir + "sample.psd";

// Load an existing image into an instance of RasterImage class
Image image = Image.load(sourceFile);

In this step, we load the sample image (“sample.psd”) using the Image.load method.

Step 2: Cast to RasterImage and Cache Data

// Cast object of Image to RasterImage
RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)image;

// Check if RasterImage is cached and Cache RasterImage for better performance
if (!rasterImage.isCached()) {

Here, we cast the generic Image object to a RasterImage for specific processing. Caching the image data improves performance.

Step 3: Adjust Contrast

// Adjust the contrast

The adjustContrast method is used to modify the contrast of the image. In this example, the contrast is increased by 50%.

Step 4: Create TiffOptions and Save

// Create an instance of TiffOptions for the resultant image
TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
int[] ushort = { 8, 8, 8 };

// Save the resultant image to TIFF format
String destName = dataDir + "AdjustContrast_out.tiff";, tiffOptions);

Here, we set up TiffOptions for the output image, specifying the format and other properties. The final image is then saved to a TIFF file.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully adjusted the contrast of an image using Aspose.PSD for Java. This tutorial covered the essential steps, from importing packages to saving the processed image.


Q1: Is Aspose.PSD compatible with different image formats?

A1: Yes, Aspose.PSD supports various image formats, providing flexibility in your projects.

Q2: How can I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.PSD?

A2: You can get a temporary license here.

Q3: Where can I find Aspose.PSD documentation?

A3: The documentation is available here.

Q4: What support options are available for Aspose.PSD?

A4: For support, visit the Aspose.PSD forum.

Q5: Can I purchase Aspose.PSD?

A5: Yes, you can buy Aspose.PSD here.