Multi-Category Chart in Java Slides

Introduction to Multi-Category Chart in Java Slides with Aspose.Slides

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a multi-category chart in Java slides using the Aspose.Slides for Java API. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions along with source code to help you create a clustered column chart with multiple categories and series.


Before we begin, make sure you have the Aspose.Slides for Java library installed and set up in your Java development environment.

Step 1: Setting up the Environment

First, import the necessary classes and create a new Presentation object to work with slides.

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
Presentation pres = new Presentation();

Step 2: Adding a Slide and Chart

Next, create a slide and add a clustered column chart to it.

ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
IChart ch = slide.getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 600, 450);

Step 3: Clearing Existing Data

Clear any existing data from the chart.


Step 4: Setting Up Data Categories

Now, let’s set up data categories for the chart. We will create multiple categories and group them.

IChartDataWorkbook fact = ch.getChartData().getChartDataWorkbook();

int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;

// Add categories and group them
IChartCategory category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c2", "A"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group1");

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c3", "B"));

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c4", "C"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group2");

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c5", "D"));

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c6", "E"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group3");

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c7", "F"));

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c8", "G"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group4");

category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c9", "H"));

Step 5: Adding Series

Now, let’s add a series to the chart along with data points.

IChartSeries series = ch.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(0, "D1", "Series 1"), ChartType.ClusteredColumn);

series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D2", 10));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D3", 20));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D4", 30));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D5", 40));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D6", 50));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D7", 60));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D8", 70));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D9", 80));

Step 6: Saving the Presentation

Finally, save the presentation with the chart. + "AsposeChart_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a multi-category chart in a Java slide using Aspose.Slides. You can customize this chart further to suit your specific requirements.

Complete Source Code For Multi-Category Chart in Java Slides

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
IChart ch = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ClusteredColumn, 100, 100, 600, 450);
IChartDataWorkbook fact = ch.getChartData().getChartDataWorkbook();
int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;
IChartCategory category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c2", "A"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group1");
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c3", "B"));
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c4", "C"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group2");
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c5", "D"));
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c6", "E"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group3");
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c7", "F"));
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c8", "G"));
category.getGroupingLevels().setGroupingItem(1, "Group4");
category = ch.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(0, "c9", "H"));
//            Adding Series
IChartSeries series = ch.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(0, "D1", "Series 1"),
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D2", 10));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D3", 20));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D4", 30));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D5", 40));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D6", 50));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D7", 60));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D8", 70));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, "D9", 80));
// Save presentation with chart + "AsposeChart_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);


In this tutorial, we have learned how to create a multi-category chart in Java slides using the Aspose.Slides for Java API. We went through a step-by-step guide with source code to create a clustered column chart with multiple categories and series.


How can I customize the chart appearance?

You can customize the chart appearance by modifying properties such as colors, fonts, and styles. Refer to the Aspose.Slides documentation for detailed customization options.

Can I add more series to the chart?

Yes, you can add additional series to the chart by following a similar process as shown in Step 5.

How do I change the chart type?

To change the chart type, replace ChartType.ClusteredColumn with the desired chart type when adding the chart in Step 2.

How can I add a title to the chart?

You can add a title to the chart by using the ch.getChartTitle().getTextFrame().setText("Chart Title"); method.