Set External Workbook in Java Slides

Introduction to Set External Workbook in Java Slides

In this tutorial, we will explore how to set an external workbook in Java Slides using Aspose.Slides. You will learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation with a chart that references data from an external Excel workbook. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of how to integrate external data into your Java Slides presentations.


Before we dive into the implementation, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  • Aspose.Slides for Java library added to your project.
  • An Excel workbook with the data you want to reference in your presentation.

Step 1: Create a New Presentation

String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
Presentation pres = new Presentation();

We start by creating a new PowerPoint presentation using Aspose.Slides.

Step 2: Add a Chart

IChart chart = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.Pie, 50, 50, 400, 600, false);

Next, we insert a pie chart into the presentation. You can customize the chart type and position as needed.

Step 3: Access External Workbook

IChartData chartData = chart.getChartData();
chartData.setExternalWorkbook(dataDir + "externalWorkbook.xlsx");

To access the external workbook, we use the setExternalWorkbook method and provide the path to the Excel workbook containing the data.

Step 4: Bind Chart Data

chartData.getSeries().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B1"), ChartType.Pie);
chartData.getSeries().get_Item(0).getDataPoints().addDataPointForPieSeries(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B2"));
chartData.getSeries().get_Item(0).getDataPoints().addDataPointForPieSeries(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B3"));
chartData.getSeries().get_Item(0).getDataPoints().addDataPointForPieSeries(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B4"));
chartData.getCategories().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "A2"));
chartData.getCategories().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "A3"));
chartData.getCategories().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "A4"));

We bind the chart to data from the external workbook by specifying the cell references for series and categories.

Step 5: Save the Presentation + "Presentation_with_externalWorkbook.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

Finally, we save the presentation with the external workbook reference as a PowerPoint file.

Complete Source Code For Set External Workbook in Java Slides

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
	IChart chart = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.Pie, 50, 50, 400, 600, false);
	IChartData chartData = chart.getChartData();
	chartData.setExternalWorkbook(dataDir + "externalWorkbook.xlsx");
	chartData.getSeries().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B1"), ChartType.Pie);
	chartData.getSeries().get_Item(0).getDataPoints().addDataPointForPieSeries(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B2"));
	chartData.getSeries().get_Item(0).getDataPoints().addDataPointForPieSeries(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B3"));
	chartData.getSeries().get_Item(0).getDataPoints().addDataPointForPieSeries(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "B4"));
	chartData.getCategories().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "A2"));
	chartData.getCategories().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "A3"));
	chartData.getCategories().add(chartData.getChartDataWorkbook().getCell(0, "A4")); + "Presentation_with_externalWorkbook.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
	if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


In this tutorial, we have learned how to set an external workbook in Java Slides using Aspose.Slides. You can now create presentations that dynamically reference data from Excel workbooks, enhancing the flexibility and interactivity of your slides.


How do I install Aspose.Slides for Java?

Aspose.Slides for Java can be installed by adding the library to your Java project. You can download the library from the Aspose website and follow the installation instructions provided in the documentation.

Can I use different chart types with external workbooks?

Yes, you can use various chart types supported by Aspose.Slides and bind them to data from external workbooks. The process may vary slightly depending on the chart type you choose.

What if my external workbook’s data structure changes?

If the structure of your external workbook’s data changes, you may need to update the cell references in your Java code to ensure that the chart data remains accurate.

Is Aspose.Slides compatible with the latest Java versions?

Aspose.Slides for Java is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest Java versions. Be sure to check for updates and use the latest version of the library for optimal performance and compatibility.

Can I add multiple charts referencing the same external workbook?

Yes, you can add multiple charts to your presentation, all referencing the same external workbook. Simply repeat the steps outlined in this tutorial for each chart you want to create.