Metered Licensing in Java Slides

Introduction to Metered Licensing in Aspose.Slides for Java

Metered licensing allows you to monitor and control your usage of Aspose.Slides for Java API. This guide will walk you through the process of implementing metered licensing in your Java project using Aspose.Slides.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Aspose.Slides for Java JAR files integrated into your project.
  • Public and private keys for metered licensing, which you can obtain from Aspose.

Implementing Metered Licensing

To use metered licensing in Aspose.Slides for Java, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create an instance of the Metered class:

Metered metered = new Metered();

Step 2: Set the metered key using your public and private keys:

	metered.setMeteredKey("your_public_key", "your_private_key");
catch (Exception ex)
	// Handle any exceptions

Step 3: Get the metered data amount before and after calling the API:

// Get metered data amount before calling API
double amountBefore = Metered.getConsumptionQuantity();

// Display information
System.out.println("Amount Consumed Before: " + amountBefore);

// Call the Aspose.Slides API methods here

// Get metered data amount after calling API
double amountAfter = Metered.getConsumptionQuantity();

// Display information
System.out.println("Amount Consumed After: " + amountAfter);

Complete Source Code

// Create an instance of CAD Metered class
Metered metered = new Metered();
	// Access the setMeteredKey property and pass public and private keys as parameters
	metered.setMeteredKey("*****", "*****");
	// Get metered data amount before calling API
	double amountbefore = Metered.getConsumptionQuantity();
	// Display information
	System.out.println("Amount Consumed Before: " + amountbefore);
	// Get metered data amount After calling API
	double amountafter = Metered.getConsumptionQuantity();
	// Display information
	System.out.println("Amount Consumed After: " + amountafter);
catch (Exception ex)
	Logger.getLogger(MeteredLicensing.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


Implementing metered licensing in Aspose.Slides for Java allows you to monitor your API usage efficiently. This can be particularly useful when you want to manage costs and stay within your allocated limits.


How do I obtain metered licensing keys?

You can obtain metered licensing keys from Aspose. Contact their support or visit their website for more information.

Is metered licensing required for using Aspose.Slides for Java?

Metered licensing is optional but can help you keep track of your API usage and manage costs effectively.

Can I use metered licensing with other Aspose products?

Yes, metered licensing is available for various Aspose products, including Aspose.Slides for Java.

What happens if I exceed my metered limit?

If you exceed your metered limit, you may need to upgrade your licensing or contact Aspose for assistance.

Do I need an internet connection for metered licensing?

Yes, an internet connection is required to set and validate metered licensing.