Task Duration in Different Units with Aspose.Tasks


In the realm of project management, understanding and managing task duration is a critical aspect. Aspose.Tasks for Java provides a powerful toolset to handle this efficiently. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through retrieving task durations in various units using Aspose.Tasks.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
  • Aspose.Tasks for Java library. You can download it here
  • A basic understanding of Java programming

Import Packages

In your Java project, include the Aspose.Tasks library. Add the following import statement at the beginning of your code:

import com.aspose.tasks.Project;
import com.aspose.tasks.Task;
import com.aspose.tasks.TimeUnitType;
import com.aspose.tasks.Tsk;

Step 1: Set Up Your Project

Begin by creating a new Java project in your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Make sure to include the Aspose.Tasks library in your project’s dependencies.

Step 2: Read Project Template

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
// Read MS Project template file
String fileName = dataDir + "project.xml";
// Read the input file as Project
Project project = new Project(fileName);

Ensure to replace "Your Document Directory" with the actual path to your project files.

Step 3: Retrieve a Task

// Get a task to calculate its duration in different formats
Task task = project.getRootTask().getChildren().getById(1);

Here, we’re obtaining a task from the project. Adjust getById(1) based on your project’s task ID.

Step 4: Duration in Minutes

// Get the duration in Minutes
double mins = task.get(Tsk.DURATION).convert(TimeUnitType.Minute).toDouble();

This step calculates the task duration in minutes.

Step 5: Duration in Days

// Get the duration in Days
double days = task.get(Tsk.DURATION).convert(TimeUnitType.Day).toDouble();

This step calculates the task duration in days.

Step 6: Duration in Hours

// Get the duration in Hours
double hours = task.get(Tsk.DURATION).convert(TimeUnitType.Hour).toDouble();

This step calculates the task duration in hours.

Step 7: Duration in Weeks

// Get the duration in Weeks
double weeks = task.get(Tsk.DURATION).convert(TimeUnitType.Week).toDouble();

This step calculates the task duration in weeks.

Step 8: Duration in Months

// Get the duration in Months
double months = task.get(Tsk.DURATION).convert(TimeUnitType.Month).toDouble();

This step calculates the task duration in months.


Managing task durations is made simple with Aspose.Tasks for Java. This tutorial has walked you through the process step by step, providing clarity on different units of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use Aspose.Tasks for Java with any Java IDE?

Yes, Aspose.Tasks for Java is compatible with any Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Q: How can I obtain a task’s ID in a Microsoft Project file?

You can inspect the project file or use Aspose.Tasks API to retrieve task IDs programmatically.

Q: Is Aspose.Tasks suitable for handling large-scale projects?

Absolutely. Aspose.Tasks is designed to efficiently handle projects of varying sizes.

Q: Where can I find further documentation?

Visit the documentation for comprehensive resources.

Q: Can I try Aspose.Tasks for Java before purchasing?

Yes, you can explore a free trial to evaluate its capabilities.