Master Streams, Images, & Terminal Input in Aspose.TeX for C#


Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on mastering streams, images, and terminal input in Aspose.TeX for C#. Aspose.TeX is a powerful library that allows developers to work with TeX files, providing a wide range of features for document manipulation and conversion. In this guide, we will delve into handling streams, managing images, and capturing terminal input using Aspose.TeX for C#. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to efficiently work with these essential aspects of document processing.


Before we dive into the examples, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of C# programming language.
  • Aspose.TeX for .NET library installed. You can download it here.
  • A development environment set up for C#.

Import Namespaces

In your C# project, make sure to include the necessary namespaces to access Aspose.TeX functionalities. Add the following lines at the beginning of your code:

using Aspose.TeX.IO;
using Aspose.TeX.Presentation.Image;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

Step 1: Set Up Conversion Options

// ExStart:TakeMainInputFromStream-AuxFromFileSystem-TakeTerminalInputFromConsole-AlternativeImagesStorage
TeXOptions options = TeXOptions.ConsoleAppOptions(TeXConfig.ObjectTeX());
options.JobName = "stream-in-image-out";
options.InputWorkingDirectory = new InputFileSystemDirectory("Your Input Directory");
options.OutputWorkingDirectory = new OutputFileSystemDirectory("Your Output Directory");
options.TerminalIn = new InputConsoleTerminal();
options.TerminalOut = new OutputConsoleTerminal();
options.SaveOptions = new PngSaveOptions() { Resolution = 300 };

Step 2: Create Image Device and Run the Job

ImageDevice device = new ImageDevice();
TeXJob job = new TeXJob(new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(
    "\\hrule height 10pt width 95pt\\vskip10pt\\hrule height 5pt")),
    device, options);

Step 3: Provide Input in the Console

When prompted in the console, type “ABC,” press Enter, then type “\end,” and press Enter again.

Step 4: Fine-Tune Output

byte[][] result = device.Result;
// ExEnd:TakeMainInputFromStream-AuxFromFileSystem-TakeTerminalInputFromConsole-AlternativeImagesStorage

Congratulations! You’ve successfully processed TeX input from streams, managed images, and captured terminal input using Aspose.TeX for C#. These skills are invaluable for various document processing scenarios.


In this tutorial, we covered essential aspects of working with streams, images, and terminal input in Aspose.TeX for C#. You learned how to set up conversion options, create image devices, run jobs, and fine-tune output. With this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to handle diverse document processing tasks efficiently.


Q1: Can I use Aspose.TeX for .NET in a non-console application?

A1: Absolutely! Aspose.TeX can be seamlessly integrated into various types of applications, including desktop and web applications.

Q2: How can I customize the output image resolution?

A2: In the provided example, the resolution is set in the PngSaveOptions object. You can adjust the Resolution property based on your requirements.

Q3: Is there a trial version available?

A3: Yes, you can explore Aspose.TeX with a free trial available here.

Q4: Where can I find additional support and assistance?

A4: Visit the Aspose.TeX forum here for community support and discussions.

Q5: How can I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.TeX?

A5: You can acquire a temporary license here.