Comparing Document Versions


Document comparison involves analyzing two or more versions of a document to identify differences and similarities. Aspose.Words for Java provides the tools to perform this task efficiently. In this guide, we will walk you through the entire process, from setting up your development environment to saving the compared document.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before we dive into document comparison, you need to set up your development environment. Make sure you have Aspose.Words for Java installed. You can download it from the website here.

Loading Documents

To compare document versions, you first need to load the documents you want to analyze. Aspose.Words for Java makes this easy with its robust document loading capabilities.

// Load the original document
Document originalDocument = new Document("original.docx");

// Load the revised document
Document revisedDocument = new Document("revised.docx");

Comparing Document Versions

Now that we have our documents loaded, let’s proceed with the comparison. Aspose.Words for Java provides a straightforward method for this.

// Compare the documents
DocumentComparer comparer = new DocumentComparer(originalDocument, revisedDocument);;

Identifying Changes

After the comparison, it’s essential to identify the changes made between the two documents. Aspose.Words for Java helps us retrieve this information.

// Get the list of changes
List<DocumentChange> changes = comparer.getChanges();

Applying Changes

Once you have identified the changes, you can choose to apply them selectively or all at once to one of the documents.

// Apply changes to the original document

Saving the Compared Document

After applying changes, it’s time to save the compared document for further use.

// Save the compared document"compared_document.docx");


Comparing document versions is a critical task in many scenarios, and Aspose.Words for Java simplifies this process. With its robust API, you can efficiently load, compare, identify changes, apply them, and save the compared document. This guide has provided a step-by-step walkthrough of the entire process.


How accurate is Aspose.Words for Java in identifying changes?

Aspose.Words for Java is highly accurate in identifying changes between document versions. It uses advanced algorithms to ensure precision.

Can I customize the way changes are applied to the document?

Yes, you can customize the way changes are applied according to your specific requirements.

Is there a limit to the size of documents that can be compared using Aspose.Words for Java?

Aspose.Words for Java can handle documents of varying sizes, making it suitable for both small and large-scale comparisons.

Does Aspose.Words for Java support other document formats besides DOCX?

Yes, Aspose.Words for Java supports various document formats, including DOC, RTF, HTML, and more.

Where can I access Aspose.Words for Java documentation?

You can find comprehensive documentation for Aspose.Words for Java at here.