Applying Styles and Fonts in Documents

In the world of document processing, Aspose.Words for Java stands out as a powerful tool for manipulating and formatting documents. If you’re looking to create documents with custom styles and fonts, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process step by step, complete with source code examples. By the end of this article, you’ll have the expertise to apply styles and fonts to your documents with ease.


Aspose.Words for Java is a Java-based API that empowers developers to work with various document formats, including DOCX, DOC, RTF, and more. In this guide, we will focus on applying styles and fonts to documents using this versatile library.

Applying Styles and Fonts: The Basics

Getting Started

To begin, you’ll need to set up your Java development environment and download the Aspose.Words for Java library. You can find the download link here. Make sure to include the library in your project.

Creating a Document

Let’s start by creating a new document using Aspose.Words for Java:

// Create a new Document
Document doc = new Document();

Adding Text

Next, add some text to your document:

// Add text to the document
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Hello, Aspose.Words!");

Applying Styles

Now, let’s apply a style to the text:

// Apply a style to the text

Applying Fonts

To change the font of the text, use the following code:

// Apply a font to the text

Saving the Document

Don’t forget to save your document:

// Save the document"StyledDocument.docx");

Advanced Styling Techniques

Custom Styles

Aspose.Words for Java allows you to create custom styles and apply them to your document elements. Here’s how you can define a custom style:

// Define a custom style
Style customStyle = doc.getStyles().add(StyleType.PARAGRAPH, "CustomStyle");
customStyle.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");

You can then apply this custom style to any part of your document.

Font Effects

Experiment with font effects to make your text stand out. Here’s an example of applying a shadow effect:

// Apply a shadow effect to the font

Combining Styles

Combine multiple styles for intricate document formatting:

// Combine styles for a unique look


How can I apply different styles to different paragraphs in a document?

To apply different styles to different paragraphs, create multiple instances of the DocumentBuilder and set styles individually for each paragraph.

Can I import existing styles from a template document?

Yes, you can import styles from a template document using Aspose.Words for Java. Refer to the documentation for detailed instructions.

Is it possible to apply conditional formatting based on document content?

Aspose.Words for Java provides powerful conditional formatting capabilities. You can create rules that apply styles or fonts based on specific conditions within the document.

Can I work with non-Latin fonts and characters?

Absolutely! Aspose.Words for Java supports a wide range of fonts and characters from various languages and scripts.

To add hyperlinks to text, use the FieldHyperlink class in combination with styles to achieve the desired formatting.

Are there any limitations to document size or complexity?

Aspose.Words for Java can handle documents of varying sizes and complexity. However, extremely large documents may require additional memory resources.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the art of applying styles and fonts in documents using Aspose.Words for Java. Whether you’re creating business reports, generating invoices, or crafting beautiful documents, mastering document formatting is crucial. With the power of Aspose.Words for Java, you have the tools to make your documents shine.