Build Table In Word Document

In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to build a table in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET. We will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary C# code snippets. By the end of this guide, you will be able to create a table with custom formatting and content using the DocumentBuilder class.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • Aspose.Words for .NET library installed on your system.

Step 1: Create a New Document

To start, create a new document using the Document class:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Step 2: Start the Table

Next, use the StartTable method of the DocumentBuilder class to start building the table:

Table table = builder.StartTable();

Step 3: Insert Cells and Add Content

Now, you can insert cells into the table and add content to them using the InsertCell and Write methods of the DocumentBuilder class. Customize the cell formatting as needed:

builder.CellFormat.VerticalAlignment = CellVerticalAlignment.Center;
builder.Write("This is row 1 cell 1");

builder.Write("This is row 1 cell 2");

Step 4: End the Row

After adding content to the cells of the first row, use the EndRow method of the DocumentBuilder class to end the row:


Step 5: Customize Row Formatting

You can customize the formatting of a row by setting properties of the RowFormat and CellFormat objects:

builder.RowFormat.Height = 100;
builder.RowFormat.HeightRule = HeightRule.Exactly;
builder.CellFormat.Orientation = TextOrientation.Upward;
builder.Writeln("This is row 2 cell 1");

builder.CellFormat.Orientation = TextOrientation.Downward;
builder.Writeln("This is row 2 cell 2");

Step 6: End the Table

To complete the table, use the EndTable method of the DocumentBuilder class:


Example Source Code for Building a Table using Aspose.Words for .NET

Here is the complete source code for building a table using Aspose.Words for .NET:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Table table = builder.StartTable();

builder.CellFormat.VerticalAlignment = CellVerticalAlignment.Center;
builder.Write("This is row 1 cell 1");

builder.Write("This is row 1 cell 2");



builder.RowFormat.Height = 100;
builder.RowFormat.HeightRule = HeightRule.Exactly;
builder.CellFormat.Orientation = TextOrientation.Upward;
builder.Writeln("This is row 2 cell 1");

builder.CellFormat.Orientation = TextOrientation.Downward;
builder.Writeln("This is row 2 cell 2");


doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "AddContentUsingDocumentBuilder.BuildTable.docx");


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to build a table in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET. By following the step-by-step guide and utilizing the provided source code, you can now create tables with custom formatting.

FAQ’s for build table in word document

Q: What is Aspose.Words for .NET?

A: Aspose.Words for .NET is a powerful document processing library that allows developers to create, read, edit, and convert Microsoft Word documents programmatically in .NET applications. It provides a wide range of features to work with Word documents, such as text manipulation, table creation, document protection, formatting, and more.

Q: How can I build a table in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET?

A: To build a table in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new instance of the Document class and a DocumentBuilder object.
  2. Use the StartTable method of the DocumentBuilder class to start building the table.
  3. Insert cells into the table and add content using the InsertCell and Write methods of the DocumentBuilder class.
  4. End the row using the EndRow method of the DocumentBuilder class.
  5. Customize row formatting by setting properties of the RowFormat and CellFormat objects.
  6. End the table using the EndTable method of the DocumentBuilder class.
  7. Save the document.

Q: How can I customize the formatting of the table and its cells?

A: You can customize the formatting of the table and its cells by setting various properties of the RowFormat and CellFormat objects. For example, you can adjust cell alignment, vertical and horizontal text orientation, cell height, row height, and more. By using these properties, you can achieve the desired appearance for the table and its contents.

Q: Can I build complex tables with merged cells and other advanced features?

A: Yes, Aspose.Words for .NET provides advanced features to build complex tables, including support for merged cells, nested tables, and complex table layouts. You can use the MergeCells method to merge cells, StartTable method to create nested tables, and other methods to achieve the desired table structure.

Q: Is Aspose.Words for .NET compatible with different Word document formats?

A: Yes, Aspose.Words for .NET is compatible with various Word document formats, including DOC, DOCX, RTF, and more. It supports both legacy formats (DOC) and modern XML-based formats (DOCX) and allows you to work with documents in different formats without any issues.

Q: Where can I find more information and documentation for Aspose.Words for .NET?

A: You can find comprehensive documentation and code examples on API references. The documentation will provide detailed information about the library’s features and how to use them in your .NET applications.