Apply Metered License


Aspose.Words for .NET is a powerful library that allows you to work with Word documents in your .NET applications. One of its standout features is the ability to apply a metered license. This licensing model is perfect for businesses and developers who prefer a pay-as-you-go approach. With a metered license, you only pay for what you use, making it a flexible and cost-effective solution. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of applying a metered license to your Aspose.Words for .NET project.


Before we jump into the code, let’s make sure you have everything you need:

  1. Aspose.Words for .NET: If you haven’t already, download the library from the Aspose website.
  2. Valid Metered License Keys: You need the keys to activate the metered license. You can obtain these from the Aspose Purchase page.
  3. Development Environment: Ensure you have a .NET development environment set up. Visual Studio is a popular choice, but you can use any IDE that supports .NET.

Import Namespaces

Before we dive into the code, we need to import the necessary namespaces. This is crucial as it allows us to access the classes and methods provided by Aspose.Words.

using Aspose.Words;
using Aspose.Words.Metered;

Alright, let’s break it down. We’ll go through the process step by step, so you won’t miss a thing.

Step 1: Initialize the Metered Class

First things first, we need to create an instance of the Metered class. This class is responsible for setting the metered license.

Metered metered = new Metered();

Step 2: Set the Metered Keys

Now that we have our Metered instance, we need to set the metered keys. These keys are provided by Aspose and are unique to your subscription.

metered.SetMeteredKey("your_public_key", "your_private_key");

Replace "your_public_key" and "your_private_key" with the actual keys you received from Aspose. This step essentially tells Aspose that you want to use a metered license.

Step 3: Load Your Document

Next, let’s load a Word document using Aspose.Words. For this example, we’ll use a document named Document.docx. Make sure you have this document in your project directory.

Document doc = new Document("Document.docx");

Step 4: Verify the License Application

To confirm that the license has been applied correctly, let’s perform an operation on the document. We’ll simply print the page count to the console.


This step ensures that your document is loaded and processed using the metered license.

Step 5: Handle Exceptions

Always a good practice to handle any potential exceptions. Let’s add a try-catch block to our code to manage errors gracefully.

    Metered metered = new Metered();
    metered.SetMeteredKey("your_public_key", "your_private_key");

    Document doc = new Document("Document.docx");

catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("There was an error setting the license: " + e.Message);

This ensures that if something goes wrong, you’ll get a meaningful error message instead of your application crashing.


And there you have it! Applying a metered license in Aspose.Words for .NET is straightforward once you break it down into manageable steps. This licensing model offers flexibility and cost savings, making it an excellent choice for many developers. Remember, the key is to set up your metered keys correctly and handle any exceptions that might come up. Happy coding!


What is a metered license?

A metered license is a pay-as-you-go model where you only pay for the actual usage of the Aspose.Words for .NET library, offering flexibility and cost efficiency.

Where can I get my metered license keys?

You can obtain your metered license keys from the Aspose Purchase page.

Can I use a metered license with any .NET project?

Yes, you can use a metered license with any .NET project that utilizes the Aspose.Words for .NET library.

What happens if the metered license keys are incorrect?

If the keys are incorrect, the license won’t be applied, and your application will throw an exception. Make sure to handle exceptions to get a clear error message.

How do I verify that the metered license is applied correctly?

You can verify the metered license by performing any operation on a Word document (like printing the page count) and ensuring it executes without licensing errors.