Rich Text Box Content Control

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a rich text box content control in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET. Rich text box content controls allow users to enter and format text with various styles and formatting options.


To follow this tutorial, you need to have the following:

  • Aspose.Words for .NET library installed.
  • Basic knowledge of C# and Words Processing with Word documents.

Step 1: Set up the Document Directory

Start by setting up the path to your document directory. Replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" with the actual path to the directory where you want to save the document.


Step 2: Create a Document and StructuredDocumentTag

Create a new instance of the Document class and a StructuredDocumentTag to represent the rich text box content control. Specify SdtType.RichText as the type and MarkupLevel.Block as the markup level to create a block-level rich text box.

Document doc = new Document();
StructuredDocumentTag sdtRichText = new StructuredDocumentTag(doc, SdtType.RichText, MarkupLevel.Block);

Step 3: Create and Format the Rich Text Content

Create a paragraph and run to represent the rich text content. Set the text and formatting options such as color, font, etc.

Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
Run run = new Run(doc);
run.Text = "Hello World";
run.Font.Color = Color.Green;

Step 4: Add the Rich Text Content to the Content Control

Add the paragraph with the rich text content to the ChildNodes collection of the rich text box content control.


Step 5: Append the Content Control to the Document

Append the rich text box content control to the document’s body by using the AppendChild method of the document’s first section’s body.


Step 6: Save the Document

Save the document to the specified directory using the Save method. Provide the desired filename with the appropriate file extension. In this example, we save the document as “WorkingWithSdt.RichTextBoxContentControl.docx”.

doc.Save(dataDir + "WorkingWithSdt.RichTextBoxContentControl.docx");

Example source code for Rich Text Box Content Control using Aspose.Words for .NET

	// Path to your document directory 
	string dataDir = "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY";

	Document doc = new Document();
	StructuredDocumentTag sdtRichText = new StructuredDocumentTag(doc, SdtType.RichText, MarkupLevel.Block);
	Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
	Run run = new Run(doc);
	run.Text = "Hello World";
	run.Font.Color = Color.Green;
	doc.Save(dataDir + "WorkingWithSdt.RichTextBoxContentControl.docx");

That’s it! You have successfully created a rich text box content control in your Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET.