Get Document Theme Properties In Word

In this tutorial, we will explore the provided C# source code to get the theme properties of a document using Aspose.Words for .NET. Theme properties include primary and secondary fonts used, as well as accent colors.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

Make sure you have set up your development environment with Aspose.Words for .NET. Make sure you’ve added the necessary references and imported the appropriate namespaces.

Step 2: Creating a Document Object

Document doc = new Document();

In this step, we create a new Document object.

Step 3: Get theme properties

Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme theme = doc.Theme;


In this step, we use the Theme property of the Document object to get the Theme object. Then we can access the different properties of the theme such as the main fonts (MajorFonts), the secondary fonts (MinorFonts) and the accent colors (Colors).

Step 4: Display theme properties

In this final step, we display the theme property values using Console.WriteLine. You can adapt the display according to your needs.

You can run the source code to get the theme properties of a document. This feature allows you to retrieve information about fonts and colors used in a document’s theme, which can be useful for style customization or analysis.

Sample source code for Get Theme Properties using Aspose.Words for .NET

Document doc = new Document();

Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme theme = doc.Theme;




In this tutorial, we explored the functionality of getting a document’s theme properties with Aspose.Words for .NET. Using the Theme object and its associated properties, we were able to access information about the primary and secondary fonts as well as the accent colors used in the document theme.

The ability to get theme properties allows you to analyze and customize the styles and layouts of your documents. You can use this information to apply targeted changes, create reports, or perform analysis on font and color usage in your documents.

Aspose.Words for .NET offers a powerful API for manipulating your document themes, allowing you to easily adjust and customize the look of your documents.

Feel free to explore more features of Aspose.Words for .NET to enhance your workflow and meet your specific style and theme management needs.


How can I access the theme properties of a document using Aspose.Words for .NET?

To access the theme properties of a document, you can use the Theme property of the Document object. It returns a Theme object that contains information about the primary and secondary fonts, as well as the accent colors used in the document’s theme.

How can I retrieve the primary and secondary fonts of a document’s theme?

You can access the primary and secondary fonts of a document’s theme by using the MajorFonts and MinorFonts properties of the Theme object, respectively. These properties provide access to the font names used in the document’s theme for different languages or regions.

Can I get the accent colors used in a document’s theme?

Yes, you can get the accent colors used in a document’s theme by accessing the Colors property of the Theme object. This property provides access to the accent colors, such as Accent1, Accent2, Accent3, and so on, which you can use for customization or analysis purposes.

How can I use the retrieved theme properties?

The retrieved theme properties can be used for various purposes. You can customize the styles and layouts of your documents based on the fonts and colors used in the theme. You can also perform analysis on the font and color usage in your documents, or apply targeted changes to specific elements based on the theme properties.

Can I modify the theme properties using Aspose.Words for .NET?

Aspose.Words for .NET primarily focuses on document generation and manipulation rather than theme modification. While you can retrieve the theme properties using the API, direct modification of the theme properties is not supported. To modify the theme itself, you may need to use other tools or software.