Split Word Document By Page Range


In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step to understand and use the “By Page Range” functionality of Aspose.Words for .NET. This feature allows you to extract a specific part of a large Word document using a given page range. We will provide you with complete source code and Markdown output formats to make it easier for you to understand and use later.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following in place:

  1. Aspose.Words for .NET installed on your development machine.
  2. A large Word file from which you want to extract a specific part.

Now that we’ve covered the requirements, we can move on to the steps for using the By Page Range feature.

Step 1: Document initialization and loading

Once you have set up your development environment, you need to initialize and load the Word document from which you want to extract a specific part. Here is the code to use:

// The path to the documents directory.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Name_of_large_document.docx");

Be sure to replace “YOUR_DOCUMENTS_DIRECTORY” with the actual path to your documents directory and “Name_of_large_document.docx” with the name of your large Word file.

Step 2: Extracting the part of the document

Now that we have loaded the document, we can extract the specific part using the ExtractPages function with the desired page range. Here’s how to do it:

Document extractedPages = doc.ExtractPages(3, 6);

In this example, we extract pages 3-6 from the original document. You can adjust the page numbers according to your needs.

Step 3: Save the extracted part

Once we have extracted the desired pages, we can save them in a new Word document. Here’s how:

extractedPages.Save(dataDir + "Document_Extraits.ParRangeDePages.docx");

Be sure to replace “Document_Extraits.ParPlageDePages.docx” with the desired name for your output file.

Example source code for By Page Range using Aspose.Words for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Big document.docx");

// Get part of the document.
Document extractedPages = doc.ExtractPages(3, 6);
extractedPages.Save(dataDir + "SplitDocument.ByPageRange.docx");


In this tutorial, we explored the “By Page Range” functionality of Aspose.Words for .NET. We learned how to extract specific parts of a large Word document using a given page range. By initializing and loading the document, extracting the desired pages, and saving them in a new document, we were able to efficiently extract the required content.

Using the “By Page Range” feature can be beneficial when you need to work with specific sections of a document, such as extracting chapters, sections, or selected pages. Aspose.Words for .NET provides a reliable and straightforward solution to handle page extraction, allowing you to manage and manipulate documents more effectively.

Feel free to explore other powerful features offered by Aspose.Words for .NET to enhance your document processing capabilities and streamline your workflow.


Q1: Can I extract non-consecutive pages using the “By Page Range” feature?

Yes, you can extract non-consecutive pages by specifying the desired page range. For example, if you want to extract pages 1, 3, and 5, you can set the page range as 1,3,5 in the ExtractPages function.

Q2: Is it possible to extract a specific page range from multiple documents simultaneously?

Yes, you can apply the “By Page Range” feature to multiple documents. Simply load each document individually and extract the desired page range using the ExtractPages function. You can then save the extracted pages from each document separately.

Q3: Can I extract page ranges from encrypted or password-protected Word documents?

No, the “By Page Range” feature works on unprotected Word documents. If a document is encrypted or password-protected, you would need to provide the correct password and remove the protection before extracting the desired page range.

Q4: Are there any limitations to the number of pages that can be extracted using the “By Page Range” feature?

The number of pages that can be extracted using the “By Page Range” feature depends on the capabilities of Aspose.Words for .NET and the available system resources. In general, it supports extracting page ranges from documents of various sizes, but extremely large documents or very long page ranges may require additional system resources and processing time.

Q5: Can I extract other elements along with the text content, such as images or tables, using the “By Page Range” feature?

Yes, when you extract a page range using Aspose.Words for .NET, it includes all the content within the specified range, including text, images, tables, and other elements present on those pages. The extracted content will be preserved in the new document.