Set Fonts Folder

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set fonts directory in Aspose.Words for .NET. You will learn how to specify the directory containing the fonts used in your Word document.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following items:

  • A working knowledge of the C# programming language
  • The Aspose.Words library for .NET installed in your project

Step 1: Define the document directory

Start by setting the directory path to the location of your Word document. Replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" in the code with the appropriate path.


Step 2: Set font directory

Create an instance of the FontSettings class and use the SetFontsFolder method to specify the directory containing the fonts. Replace "Fonts" with the name of the actual fonts directory.

FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
fontSettings.SetFontsFolder(dataDir + "Fonts", false);

Step 3: Load the document with font settings

Use the LoadOptions class to specify font settings in the FontSettings option. Then use the Document class to load the document using these options.

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
loadOptions.FontSettings = fontSettings;
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Rendering.docx", loadOptions);

Sample source code for Set Fonts Folder using Aspose.Words for .NET

// Path to your document directory 

FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
fontSettings.SetFontsFolder(dataDir + "Fonts", false);
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
loadOptions.FontSettings = fontSettings;
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Rendering.docx", loadOptions);


Congratulation ! You now know how to set the fonts directory in Aspose.Words for .NET. You can use this feature to ensure the availability of fonts used in your document and to ensure consistency in the display of fonts.


Q: How can I set a custom font folder in Aspose.Words?

A: To set a custom fonts folder in Aspose.Words, you can use the FontsFolder class and the SetFontsFolders method specifying the path to the folder containing your fonts.

Q: Can I set multiple font folders in Aspose.Words?

A: Yes, you can set multiple font folders in Aspose.Words by calling the SetFontsFolders method multiple times with the paths of the different font folders you want to use.

Q: What happens if a font used in the document is not present in the defined font folders?

A: If a font used in the document is not present in the font folders defined in Aspose.Words, a substitute font will be used instead. This ensures that the text in the document will always be displayed correctly, even if the original font is not available.

Q: Do font folders defined in Aspose.Words have priority over fonts installed on the system?

A: Yes, font folders defined in Aspose.Words take precedence over fonts installed on the system. This means that if a font with the same name is present both in the defined font folders and in the system fonts, the version in the font folder will be used when processing Word documents.