Form Fields Work With Properties

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you on how to work with form field properties in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET. We will explain the provided C# source code and show you how to implement it in your own projects.

To get started, ensure that you have Aspose.Words for .NET installed and set up in your development environment. If you haven’t done so, download and install the library from [Aspose.Releases]

Step 1: Initializing the Document Object

First, initialize the Document object by providing the path to your source document containing form fields:

Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Form fields.docx");

Step 2: Accessing a Form Field

Next, retrieve a specific form field from the document’s form field collection. In this example, we access the form field at index 3:

FormField formField = doc.Range.FormFields[3];

Step 3: Words Processing with Form Field Properties

You can manipulate various properties of the form field based on its type. In this example, we check if the form field is of type FieldType.FieldFormTextInput and set its Result property accordingly:

if (formField.Type == FieldType.FieldFormTextInput)
    formField.Result = "My name is " + formField.Name;

Feel free to explore other properties and perform different operations based on your specific requirements.

Step 4: Saving the Document

Finally, save the modified document:

doc.Save(dataDir + "ModifiedFormFields.docx");

That’s it! You have successfully worked with form field properties in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET.

Example source code for Form Fields Work With Properties using Aspose.Words for .NET

Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Form fields.docx");
FormField formField = doc.Range.FormFields[3];

if (formField.Type == FieldType.FieldFormTextInput)
    formField.Result = "My name is " + formField.Name;

doc.Save(dataDir + "ModifiedFormFields.docx");

Feel free to use this code in your own projects and modify it according to your specific requirements.


Q: How can I change the name of a form field in Aspose.Words?

A: To change the name of a form field in Aspose.Words, you can use the FormField.Name property and assign it a new value.

Q: Is it possible to change the default value of a form field?

A: Yes, it is possible to change the default value of a form field in Aspose.Words. Use the FormField.Result property to specify the new default.

Q: How can I change the format of a date form field in Aspose.Words?

A: To change the format of a date form field in Aspose.Words, you can use the FormField.TextFormat property and assign it a new date format. For example, you can use “dd/MM/yyyy” to display the date in day/month/year format.

Q: Can I retrieve the list of options from a dropdown form field in Aspose.Words?

A: Yes, you can retrieve the list of options for a dropdown form field in Aspose.Words using the FormField.DropDownItems property. You can access this property and get the list of options to perform additional operations if needed.

Q: How can I remove all properties from a form field in Aspose.Words?

A: To remove all properties from a form field in Aspose.Words, you can use the FormField.Clear method to clear all form field properties.