Horizontal Rule

In this example, we are going to show you how to use the horizontal rule feature with Aspose.Words for .NET. Horizontal Rule are used to visually separate sections of a document.

Step 1: Using a document generator

First, we’ll use a document generator to add content to our document.

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

Step 2: Inserting a horizontal rule

We can insert a horizontal rule using the InsertHorizontalRule method of the document generator.

builder. InsertHorizontalRule();

Sample source code for horizontal rule with Aspose.Words for .NET

// Use a document builder to add content to the document.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

// Insert horizontal rule.

Congratulation ! You have now learned how to use the horizontal rule feature with Aspose.Words for .NET.


Q: How do I create a horizontal ruler in Markdown?

A: To create a horizontal ruler in Markdown, you can use one of the following symbols on an empty line: three asterisks (***), three dashes (-–), or three underscores (___).

Q: Can I customize the appearance of a horizontal ruler in Markdown?

A: In standard Markdown, there is no way to customize the appearance of horizontal rulers. However, some advanced Markdown editors and extensions offer additional customization features.

Q: Are horizontal rulers supported by all Markdown editors?

A: Yes, most popular Markdown editors support horizontal rulers. However, it’s always best to check your specific vendor’s documentation to make sure it’s supported.

Q: What other elements can I create in Markdown?

A: In addition to horizontal rulers, you can create titles, paragraphs, lists, links, images, tables, and more in Markdown.