Typed Access

Here is a step by step guide to explain the C# source code below that illustrates how to use the Typed Access feature with Aspose.Words for .NET.

Step 1: Import the necessary references

Before you begin, make sure you have imported the necessary references to use Aspose.Words for .NET into your project. This includes importing the Aspose.Words library and adding the required namespaces to your source file.

using Aspose.Words;
using Aspose.Words.Tables;

Step 2: Create a new document

In this step, we will create a new document using the Document class.

Document doc = new Document();

Step 3: Access the section and the body

To access the tables contained in the document, we must first access the section and the body of the document.

Section section = doc.FirstSection;
Body body = section.Body;

Step 4: Quick and typed access to tables

Now that we have the body of the document, we can use quick and typed access to access all the tables contained in the body.

TableCollection tables = body.Tables;

Step 5: Browse tables

By using a foreach loop, we can loop through all tables and perform specific operations on each table.

foreach(Table table in tables)
     // Quick and typed access to the first row of the table.

     // Quick and typed access to the last row of the table.

In this example, we delete the first and last row of each table using the quick and typed access provided by Aspose.Words.

Sample Source Code for Typed Access with Aspose.Words for .NET

Document doc = new Document();

Section section = doc.FirstSection;
Body body = section.Body;

// Quick typed access to all Table child nodes contained in the Body.
TableCollection tables = body.Tables;

foreach (Table table in tables)
	// Quick typed access to the first row of the table.

	// Quick typed access to the last row of the table.

This is a complete sample code for typed access to tables with Aspose.Words for .NET. Be sure to import the necessary references and follow the steps previously described to integrate this code into your project.


Q: What is typed access in Node.js?

A: Typed access in Node.js refers to the use of specific node types to access node properties and values in an XML document. Rather than using generic properties, typed access uses specific methods to access particular node types such as text nodes, element nodes, attribute nodes, etc.

Q: How do I access nodes using typed access?

A: To access nodes using typed access in Node.js, you can use specific methods depending on the type of node you want to access. For example, you can use the getElementsByTagName method to access all nodes of a specific type, the getAttribute method to access the value of an attribute, etc.

Q: What are the advantages of typed access over untyped access?

A: Typed access has several advantages over untyped access. First, it allows for better specificity when accessing nodes, making it easier to manipulate and manage nodes in an XML document. Additionally, typed access provides better security by avoiding type errors when accessing node properties and values.

Q: What types of nodes can be accessed with typed access?

A: With typed access in Node.js, you can access different types of nodes, such as element nodes, text nodes, attribute nodes, etc. Each type of node has its own specific methods and properties to access its characteristics and values.

Q: How to handle errors during typed access?

A: To handle errors during typed access in Node.js, you can use error handling mechanisms such as try...catch blocks. If an error occurs while accessing a specific node, you can capture the error and take appropriate action to handle it, such as displaying an error message or performing a rescue action.