Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts namespace

The Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts namespace provides classes that allow to access charts in Microsoft Word documents.


AxisBoundRepresents minimum or maximum bound of axis values. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
AxisDisplayUnitProvides access to the scaling options of the display units for the value axis. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
AxisScalingRepresents the scaling options of the axis. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
BubbleSizeCollectionRepresents a collection of bubble sizes for a chart series.
ChartProvides access to the chart shape properties. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartAxisRepresents the axis options of the chart. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartAxisCollectionRepresents a collection of chart axes.
ChartDataLabelRepresents data label on a chart point or trendline. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartDataLabelCollectionRepresents a collection of ChartDataLabel. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartDataPointAllows to specify formatting of a single data point on the chart. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartDataPointCollectionRepresents collection of a ChartDataPoint. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartFormatRepresents the formatting of a chart element. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartLegendRepresents chart legend properties. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartLegendEntryRepresents a chart legend entry. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartLegendEntryCollectionRepresents a collection of chart legend entries. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartMarkerRepresents a chart data marker. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartMultilevelValueRepresents a value for charts that display multilevel data.
ChartNumberFormatRepresents number formatting of the parent element. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartSeriesRepresents chart series properties. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartSeriesCollectionRepresents collection of a ChartSeries. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartTitleProvides access to the chart title properties. To learn more, visit the Working with Charts documentation article.
ChartXValueRepresents an X value for a chart series.
ChartXValueCollectionRepresents a collection of X values for a chart series.
ChartYValueRepresents an Y value for a chart series.
ChartYValueCollectionRepresents a collection of Y values for a chart series.


IChartDataPointContains properties of a single data point on the chart.


AxisBuiltInUnitSpecifies the display units for an axis.
AxisCategoryTypeSpecifies type of a category axis.
AxisCrossesSpecifies the possible crossing points for an axis.
AxisGroupAxisGroup enumeration.
AxisScaleTypeSpecifies the possible scale types for an axis.
AxisTickLabelPositionSpecifies the possible positions for tick labels.
AxisTickMarkSpecifies the possible positions for tick marks.
AxisTimeUnitSpecifies the unit of time for axes.
ChartAxisTypeSpecifies type of chart axis.
ChartSeriesTypeSpecifies a type of a chart series.
ChartShapeTypeSpecifies the shape type of chart elements.
ChartTypeSpecifies type of a chart.
ChartXValueTypeAllows to specify type of an X value of a chart series.
ChartYValueTypeAllows to specify type of an Y value of a chart series.
LegendPositionSpecifies the possible positions for a chart legend.
MarkerSymbolSpecifies marker symbol style.