Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartDataLabelPosition enum

ChartDataLabelPosition enum

Specifies the position for a chart data label.

enum class ChartDataLabelPosition


Center0Specifies that a data label should be displayed centered on a data marker.
Left1Specifies that a data label should be displayed to the left of a data marker.
Right2Specifies that a data label should be displayed to the right of a data marker.
Above3Specifies that a data label should be displayed above a data marker.
Below4Specifies that a data label should be displayed below a data marker.
InsideBase5Specifies that a data label should be displayed inside the base of a data marker.
InsideEnd6Specifies that a data label should be displayed inside the end of a data marker.
OutsideEnd7Specifies that a data label should be displayed outside the end of a data marker.
BestFit8Specifies that a data label should be displayed in the most appropriate position.

See Also