Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartXValue class

ChartXValue class

Represents an X value for a chart series.

class ChartXValue : public System::Object


Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideGets a flag indicating whether the specified object is equal to the current X value object.
static FromDateTime(System::DateTime)Creates a ChartXValue instance of the DateTime type.
static FromDouble(double)Creates a ChartXValue instance of the Double type.
static FromMultilevelValue(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartMultilevelValue>&)Creates a ChartXValue instance of the Multilevel type.
static FromString(const System::String&)Creates a ChartXValue instance of the String type.
static FromTimeSpan(System::TimeSpan)Creates a ChartXValue instance of the Time type.
get_DateTimeValue() constGets the stored datetime value.
get_DoubleValue() constGets the stored numeric value.
get_MultilevelValue() constGets the stored multilevel value.
get_StringValue() constGets the stored string value.
get_TimeValue() constGets the stored time value.
get_ValueType() constGets the type of the X value stored in the object.
GetHashCode() const overrideGets a hash code for the current X value object.
GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
static Type()


This class contains a number of static methods for creating an X value of a particular type. The ValueType property allows you to determine the type of an existing X value.

All non-null X values of a chart series must be of the same ChartXValueType type.

See Also