Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeBase::GetShapeRenderer method

ShapeBase::GetShapeRenderer method

Creates and returns an object that can be used to render this shape into an image.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Rendering::ShapeRenderer> Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeBase::GetShapeRenderer()


The renderer object for this shape.


This method just invokes the ShapeRenderer constructor and passes this object as a parameter.


Shows how to use a shape renderer to export shapes to files in the local file system.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Various shapes.docx");
ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<Shape>> shapes = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true)->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Shape>>()->LINQ_ToArray();

ASSERT_EQ(7, shapes->get_Length());

// There are 7 shapes in the document, including one group shape with 2 child shapes.
// We will render every shape to an image file in the local file system
// while ignoring the group shapes since they have no appearance.
// This will produce 6 image files.
for (const auto& shape : System::IterateOver(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true)->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Shape>>()))
    SharedPtr<ShapeRenderer> renderer = shape->GetShapeRenderer();
    auto options = MakeObject<ImageSaveOptions>(SaveFormat::Png);
    renderer->Save(ArtifactsDir + String::Format(u"Shape.RenderAllShapes.{0}.png", shape->get_Name()), options);

See Also