Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextBox::get_VerticalAnchor method

TextBox::get_VerticalAnchor method

Specifies the vertical alignment of the text within a shape.

Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextBoxAnchor Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextBox::get_VerticalAnchor()


The default value is Top.


Shows how to vertically align the text contents of a text box.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertShape(ShapeType::TextBox, 200, 200);

// Set the "VerticalAnchor" property to "TextBoxAnchor.Top" to
// align the text in this text box with the top side of the shape.
// Set the "VerticalAnchor" property to "TextBoxAnchor.Middle" to
// align the text in this text box to the center of the shape.
// Set the "VerticalAnchor" property to "TextBoxAnchor.Bottom" to
// align the text in this text box to the bottom of the shape.

builder->Write(u"Hello world!");

// The vertical aligning of text inside text boxes is available from Microsoft Word 2007 onwards.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Shape.VerticalAnchor.docx");

See Also