Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldAddressBlock::GetFieldNames method
FieldAddressBlock::GetFieldNames method
Returns a collection of mail merge field names used by the field.
System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldAddressBlock::GetFieldNames() override
Shows how to get mail merge field names used by a field.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Field sample - ADDRESSBLOCK.docx");
ArrayPtr<String> addressFieldsExpect = MakeArray<String>(
{u"Company", u"First Name", u"Middle Name", u"Last Name", u"Suffix", u"Address 1", u"City", u"State", u"Country or Region", u"Postal Code"});
auto addressBlockField = System::ExplicitCast<FieldAddressBlock>(doc->get_Range()->get_Fields()->idx_get(0));
ArrayPtr<String> addressBlockFieldNames = addressBlockField->GetFieldNames();
See Also
- Class FieldAddressBlock
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Fields
- Library Aspose.Words for C++