Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldOptions::get_UseInvariantCultureNumberFormat method

FieldOptions::get_UseInvariantCultureNumberFormat method

Gets or sets the value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not.

bool Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldOptions::get_UseInvariantCultureNumberFormat() const


When this property is set to true, number format is taken from an invariant culture.

When this property is set to false, number format is taken from the current thread’s culture.

The default value is false.


Shows how to format numbers according to the invariant culture.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

SharedPtr<Field> field = builder->InsertField(u" = 1234567,89 \\# $#,###,###.##");

// Sometimes, fields may not format their numbers correctly under certain cultures.

// To fix this, we could change the culture for the entire thread.
// Another way to fix this is to set this flag,
// which gets all fields to use the invariant culture when formatting numbers.
// This way allows us to avoid changing the culture for the entire thread.
ASSERT_EQ(u"$1.234.567,89", field->get_Result());

See Also