Aspose::Words::Fonts::DefaultFontSubstitutionRule::get_DefaultFontName method

DefaultFontSubstitutionRule::get_DefaultFontName method

Gets or sets the default font name.

System::String Aspose::Words::Fonts::DefaultFontSubstitutionRule::get_DefaultFontName()


The default value is ‘Times New Roman’.


Shows how to specify a default font.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

builder->Writeln(u"Hello world!");
builder->Writeln(u"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<FontSourceBase>> fontSources = FontSettings::get_DefaultInstance()->GetFontsSources();

// The font sources that the document uses contain the font "Arial", but not "Arvo".
ASSERT_EQ(1, fontSources->get_Length());
ASSERT_TRUE(fontSources[0]->GetAvailableFonts()->LINQ_Any([](SharedPtr<PhysicalFontInfo> f) { return f->get_FullFontName() == u"Arial"; }));
ASSERT_FALSE(fontSources[0]->GetAvailableFonts()->LINQ_Any([](SharedPtr<PhysicalFontInfo> f) { return f->get_FullFontName() == u"Arvo"; }));

// Set the "DefaultFontName" property to "Courier New" to,
// while rendering the document, apply that font in all cases when another font is not available.
FontSettings::get_DefaultInstance()->get_SubstitutionSettings()->get_DefaultFontSubstitution()->set_DefaultFontName(u"Courier New");

ASSERT_TRUE(fontSources[0]->GetAvailableFonts()->LINQ_Any([](SharedPtr<PhysicalFontInfo> f) { return f->get_FullFontName() == u"Courier New"; }));

// Aspose.Words will now use the default font in place of any missing fonts during any rendering calls.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"FontSettings.DefaultFontName.pdf");

Shows how to set the default font substitution rule.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto fontSettings = MakeObject<FontSettings>();

// Get the default substitution rule within FontSettings.
// This rule will substitute all missing fonts with "Times New Roman".
SharedPtr<DefaultFontSubstitutionRule> defaultFontSubstitutionRule = fontSettings->get_SubstitutionSettings()->get_DefaultFontSubstitution();
ASSERT_EQ(u"Times New Roman", defaultFontSubstitutionRule->get_DefaultFontName());

// Set the default font substitute to "Courier New".
defaultFontSubstitutionRule->set_DefaultFontName(u"Courier New");

// Using a document builder, add some text in a font that we do not have to see the substitution take place,
// and then render the result in a PDF.
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

builder->get_Font()->set_Name(u"Missing Font");
builder->Writeln(u"Line written in a missing font, which will be substituted with Courier New.");

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"FontSettings.DefaultFontSubstitutionRule.pdf");

See Also