Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions::get_FontSettings method

LoadOptions::get_FontSettings method

Allows to specify document font settings.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontSettings> Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions::get_FontSettings() const


When loading some formats, Aspose.Words may require to resolve the fonts. For example, when loading HTML documents Aspose.Words may resolve the fonts to perform font fallback.

If set to null, default static font settings DefaultInstance will be used.

The default value is null.


Shows how to designate font substitutes during loading.

auto loadOptions = MakeObject<LoadOptions>();

// Set a font substitution rule for a LoadOptions object.
// If the document we are loading uses a font which we do not have,
// this rule will substitute the unavailable font with one that does exist.
// In this case, all uses of the "MissingFont" will convert to "Comic Sans MS".
SharedPtr<TableSubstitutionRule> substitutionRule = loadOptions->get_FontSettings()->get_SubstitutionSettings()->get_TableSubstitution();
substitutionRule->AddSubstitutes(u"MissingFont", MakeArray<String>({u"Comic Sans MS"}));

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Missing font.html", loadOptions);

// At this point such text will still be in "MissingFont".
// Font substitution will take place when we render the document.
ASSERT_EQ(u"MissingFont", doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->get_Runs()->idx_get(0)->get_Font()->get_Name());

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"FontSettings.ResolveFontsBeforeLoadingDocument.pdf");

Shows how to apply font substitution settings while loading a document.

// Create a FontSettings object that will substitute the "Times New Roman" font
// with the font "Arvo" from our "MyFonts" folder.
auto fontSettings = MakeObject<FontSettings>();
fontSettings->SetFontsFolder(FontsDir, false);
fontSettings->get_SubstitutionSettings()->get_TableSubstitution()->AddSubstitutes(u"Times New Roman", MakeArray<String>({u"Arvo"}));

// Set that FontSettings object as a property of a newly created LoadOptions object.
auto loadOptions = MakeObject<LoadOptions>();

// Load the document, then render it as a PDF with the font substitution.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Document.docx", loadOptions);

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"LoadOptions.FontSettings.pdf");

See Also