Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions::get_MswVersion method

LoadOptions::get_MswVersion method

Allows to specify that the document loading process should match a specific MS Word version. Default value is Word2019

Aspose::Words::Settings::MsWordVersion Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions::get_MswVersion() const


Shows how to emulate the loading procedure of a specific Microsoft Word version during document loading.

// By default, Aspose.Words load documents according to Microsoft Word 2019 specification.
auto loadOptions = MakeObject<LoadOptions>();

ASSERT_EQ(MsWordVersion::Word2019, loadOptions->get_MswVersion());

// This document is missing the default paragraph formatting style.
// This default style will be regenerated when we load the document either with Microsoft Word or Aspose.Words.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Document.docx", loadOptions);

// The style's line spacing will have this value when loaded by Microsoft Word 2007 specification.
ASSERT_NEAR(12.95, doc->get_Styles()->get_DefaultParagraphFormat()->get_LineSpacing(), 0.01);

See Also