Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::get_CleanupParagraphsWithPunctuationMarks method
MailMerge::get_CleanupParagraphsWithPunctuationMarks method
Gets or sets a value indicating whether paragraphs with punctuation marks are considered as empty and should be removed if the RemoveEmptyParagraphs option is specified.
bool Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::get_CleanupParagraphsWithPunctuationMarks() const
The default value is true. Here is the complete list of cleanable punctuation marks:
- !
- ,
- .
- :
- ;
- ?
- ¡
- ¿
See Also
- Class MailMerge
- Namespace Aspose::Words::MailMerging
- Library Aspose.Words for C++