Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::get_TrimWhitespaces method

MailMerge::get_TrimWhitespaces method

Gets or sets a value indicating whether trailing and leading whitespaces are trimmed from mail merge values.

bool Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::get_TrimWhitespaces() const


Shows how to trim whitespaces from values of a data source while executing a mail merge.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

builder->InsertField(u"MERGEFIELD myMergeField", nullptr);

                              MakeArray<SharedPtr<System::Object>>({System::ObjectExt::Box<String>(u"\t hello world! ")}));

ASSERT_EQ(trimWhitespaces ? String(u"hello world!\f") : String(u"\t hello world! \f"), doc->GetText());

See Also