Aspose::Words::Markup::MarkupLevel enum

MarkupLevel enum

Specifies the level in the document tree where a particular StructuredDocumentTag can occur.

enum class MarkupLevel


Unknown0Specifies the unknown or invalid value.
Inline1The element occurs at the inline level (e.g. among as runs of text).
Block2The element occurs at the block level (e.g. among tables and paragraphs).
Row3The element occurs among rows in a table.
Cell4The element occurs among cells in a row.


Shows how to work with styles for content control elements.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Below are two ways to apply a style from the document to a structured document tag.
// 1 -  Apply a style object from the document's style collection:
SharedPtr<Style> quoteStyle = doc->get_Styles()->idx_get(StyleIdentifier::Quote);
auto sdtPlainText = MakeObject<StructuredDocumentTag>(doc, SdtType::PlainText, MarkupLevel::Inline);

// 2 -  Reference a style in the document by name:
auto sdtRichText = MakeObject<StructuredDocumentTag>(doc, SdtType::RichText, MarkupLevel::Inline);


ASSERT_EQ(NodeType::StructuredDocumentTag, sdtPlainText->get_NodeType());

SharedPtr<NodeCollection> tags = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::StructuredDocumentTag, true);

for (const auto& node : System::IterateOver(tags))
    auto sdt = System::ExplicitCast<StructuredDocumentTag>(node);

    ASSERT_EQ(StyleIdentifier::Quote, sdt->get_Style()->get_StyleIdentifier());
    ASSERT_EQ(u"Quote", sdt->get_StyleName());

See Also