Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTag::get_IsTemporary method

StructuredDocumentTag::get_IsTemporary method

Specifies whether this SDT shall be removed from the WordProcessingML document when its contents are modified.

bool Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTag::get_IsTemporary() const


Shows how to make single-use controls.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();

// Insert a plain text structured document tag,
// which will act as a plain text form that the user may enter text into.
auto tag = MakeObject<StructuredDocumentTag>(doc, SdtType::PlainText, MarkupLevel::Inline);

// Set the "IsTemporary" property to "true" to make the structured document tag disappear and
// assimilate its contents into the document after the user edits it once in Microsoft Word.
// Set the "IsTemporary" property to "false" to allow the user to edit the contents
// of the structured document tag any number of times.

auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
builder->Write(u"Please enter text: ");

// Insert another structured document tag in the form of a check box and set its default state to "checked".
tag = MakeObject<StructuredDocumentTag>(doc, SdtType::Checkbox, MarkupLevel::Inline);

// Set the "IsTemporary" property to "true" to make the check box become a symbol
// once the user clicks on it in Microsoft Word.
// Set the "IsTemporary" property to "false" to allow the user to click on the check box any number of times.

builder->Write(u"\nPlease click the check box: ");

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"StructuredDocumentTag.IsTemporary.docx");

See Also