Aspose::Words::Saving::MetafileRenderingOptions::get_EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage method

MetafileRenderingOptions::get_EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage method

Gets or sets a value determining whether metafile rendering emulates the display of the metafile according to the size on page or the display of the metafile in its default size.

bool Aspose::Words::Saving::MetafileRenderingOptions::get_EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage() const


When metafiles are displayed in MS Word, some graphics may be scaled according to the actual metafile size in pixels. I.e. even zooming may affect the metafile display.

When this value is set to true, Aspose.Words emulates rendering according to the metafile size on page. The size in pixels is calculated from the metafile size on the page and the specified EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPageResolution.

When this value is set to false, Aspose.Words emulates metafile rendering to its default size in pixels.

This option is used only when metafile is rendered as vector graphics.

The default value is true.

See Also