Aspose::Words::Saving::ResourceSavingArgs::get_KeepResourceStreamOpen method

ResourceSavingArgs::get_KeepResourceStreamOpen method

Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving a resource.

bool Aspose::Words::Saving::ResourceSavingArgs::get_KeepResourceStreamOpen() const


Default is false and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided in the ResourceStream property after writing a resource into it. Specify true to keep the stream open.


Shows how to use a callback to print the URIs of external resources created while converting a document to HTML.

void HtmlFixedResourceFolder()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Rendering.docx");

    auto callback = MakeObject<ExHtmlFixedSaveOptions::ResourceUriPrinter>();

    auto options = MakeObject<HtmlFixedSaveOptions>();
    options->set_ResourcesFolder(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlFixedResourceFolder");
    options->set_ResourcesFolderAlias(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlFixedResourceFolderAlias");

    // A folder specified by ResourcesFolderAlias will contain the resources instead of ResourcesFolder.
    // We must ensure the folder exists before the streams can put their resources into it.

    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlFixedSaveOptions.HtmlFixedResourceFolder.html", options);

    std::cout << callback->GetText() << std::endl;

    ArrayPtr<String> resourceFiles = System::IO::Directory::GetFiles(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlFixedResourceFolderAlias");

    ASSERT_FALSE(System::IO::Directory::Exists(ArtifactsDir + u"HtmlFixedResourceFolder"));
    std::function<bool(String f)> isImageOrCss = [](String f)
        return f.EndsWith(u".jpeg") || f.EndsWith(u".png") || f.EndsWith(u".css");

    ASSERT_EQ(6, resourceFiles->LINQ_Count(isImageOrCss));

class ResourceUriPrinter : public IResourceSavingCallback
    String GetText()
        return mText->ToString();

    ResourceUriPrinter() : mSavedResourceCount(0), mText(MakeObject<System::Text::StringBuilder>())

    int mSavedResourceCount;
    SharedPtr<System::Text::StringBuilder> mText;

    void ResourceSaving(SharedPtr<ResourceSavingArgs> args) override
        // If we set a folder alias in the SaveOptions object, we will be able to print it from here.
        mText->AppendLine(String::Format(u"Resource #{0} \"{1}\"", ++mSavedResourceCount, args->get_ResourceFileName()));

        String extension = System::IO::Path::GetExtension(args->get_ResourceFileName());
        if (extension == u".ttf" || extension == u".woff")
            // By default, 'ResourceFileUri' uses system folder for fonts.
            // To avoid problems in other platforms you must explicitly specify the path for the fonts.
            args->set_ResourceFileUri(ArtifactsDir + System::IO::Path::DirectorySeparatorChar + args->get_ResourceFileName());

        mText->AppendLine(String(u"\t") + args->get_ResourceFileUri());

        // If we have specified a folder in the "ResourcesFolderAlias" property,
        // we will also need to redirect each stream to put its resource in that folder.
        args->set_ResourceStream(MakeObject<System::IO::FileStream>(args->get_ResourceFileUri(), System::IO::FileMode::Create));

See Also