Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions::get_MemoryOptimization method

SaveOptions::get_MemoryOptimization method

Gets or sets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document. Default value for this property is false.

bool Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions::get_MemoryOptimization() const


Shows an option to optimize memory consumption when rendering large documents to PDF.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Rendering.docx");

// Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
SharedPtr<SaveOptions> saveOptions = SaveOptions::CreateSaveOptions(SaveFormat::Pdf);

// Set the "MemoryOptimization" property to "true" to lower the memory footprint of large documents' saving operations
// at the cost of increasing the duration of the operation.
// Set the "MemoryOptimization" property to "false" to save the document as a PDF normally.

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"PdfSaveOptions.MemoryOptimization.pdf", saveOptions);

See Also