Aspose::Words::Saving::XamlFixedSaveOptions::get_ResourcesFolder method

XamlFixedSaveOptions::get_ResourcesFolder method

Specifies the physical folder where resources (images and fonts) are saved when exporting a document to fixed page Xaml format. Default is null.

System::String Aspose::Words::Saving::XamlFixedSaveOptions::get_ResourcesFolder() const


When you save a Document in fixed page Xaml format, Aspose.Words needs to save all images embedded in the document as standalone files. ResourcesFolder allows you to specify where the images will be saved and ResourcesFolderAlias allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.

If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the images in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use ResourcesFolder to override this behavior.

If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the images, but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder by using the ResourcesFolder property


Shows how to print the URIs of linked resources created while converting a document to fixed-form .xaml.

void ResourceFolder()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Rendering.docx");
    auto callback = MakeObject<ExXamlFixedSaveOptions::ResourceUriPrinter>();

    // Create a "XamlFixedSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
    // to modify how we save the document to the XAML save format.
    auto options = MakeObject<XamlFixedSaveOptions>();

    ASSERT_EQ(SaveFormat::XamlFixed, options->get_SaveFormat());

    // Use the "ResourcesFolder" property to assign a folder in the local file system into which
    // Aspose.Words will save all the document's linked resources, such as images and fonts.
    options->set_ResourcesFolder(ArtifactsDir + u"XamlFixedResourceFolder");

    // Use the "ResourcesFolderAlias" property to use this folder
    // when constructing image URIs instead of the resources folder's name.
    options->set_ResourcesFolderAlias(ArtifactsDir + u"XamlFixedFolderAlias");


    // A folder specified by "ResourcesFolderAlias" will need to contain the resources instead of "ResourcesFolder".
    // We must ensure the folder exists before the callback's streams can put their resources into it.

    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourceFolder.xaml", options);

    for (const auto& resource : callback->get_Resources())
        std::cout << resource << std::endl;

class ResourceUriPrinter : public IResourceSavingCallback
    SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<String>> get_Resources()
        return pr_Resources;

        pr_Resources = MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::List<String>>();

    SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<String>> pr_Resources;

    void ResourceSaving(SharedPtr<ResourceSavingArgs> args) override
        get_Resources()->Add(String::Format(u"Resource \"{0}\"\n\t{1}", args->get_ResourceFileName(), args->get_ResourceFileUri()));

        // If we specified a resource folder alias, we would also need
        // to redirect each stream to put its resource in the alias folder.
        args->set_ResourceStream(MakeObject<System::IO::FileStream>(args->get_ResourceFileUri(), System::IO::FileMode::Create));

See Also