Aspose::Words::Settings::MailMergeDataType enum

MailMergeDataType enum

Specifies the type of an external mail merge data source.

enum class MailMergeDataType


None-1No mail merge data source is specified.
TextFile0Specifies that a given document has been connected to a text file via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system.
Database1Specifies that a given document has been connected to an Access database via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system.
Spreadsheet2Specifies that a given document has been connected to an Excel spreadsheet via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system.
Query3Specifies that a given document has been connected to an external data source using an external query tool.
Odbc4Specifies that a given document has been connected to an external data source via the Open Database Connectivity interface.
Native5Specifies that a given document has been connected to an external data source via the Office Data Source Object (ODSO) interface.
Defaultn/aEquals to None.

See Also