Aspose::Words::Document::Document constructor
Document::Document() constructor
Creates a blank Word document.
A blank document is retrieved from resources, and by default, the resulting document looks more like created by Word2007. This blank document contains a default fonts table, minimal default styles, and latent styles.
OptimizeFor() method can be used to optimize the document contents as well as default Aspose.Words behavior to a particular version of MS Word.
The document paper size is Letter by default. If you want to change page setup, use PageSetup.
After creation, you can use DocumentBuilder to add document content easily.
Shows how to create and load documents.
// There are two ways of creating a Document object using Aspose.Words.
// 1 - Create a blank document:
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
// New Document objects by default come with the minimal set of nodes
// required to begin adding content such as text and shapes: a Section, a Body, and a Paragraph.
doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->AppendChild(MakeObject<Run>(doc, u"Hello world!"));
// 2 - Load a document that exists in the local file system:
doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Document.docx");
// Loaded documents will have contents that we can access and edit.
ASSERT_EQ(u"Hello World!", doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->GetText().Trim());
// Some operations that need to occur during loading, such as using a password to decrypt a document,
// can be done by passing a LoadOptions object when loading the document.
doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx", MakeObject<LoadOptions>(u"docPassword"));
ASSERT_EQ(u"Test encrypted document.", doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->GetText().Trim());
Shows how to format a run of text using its font property.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto run = MakeObject<Run>(doc, u"Hello world!");
SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Font> font = run->get_Font();
font->set_Name(u"Courier New");
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Font.CreateFormattedRun.docx");
See Also
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++
Document::Document(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>&) constructor
Opens an existing document from a stream. Automatically detects the file format.
Aspose::Words::Document::Document(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> &stream)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>& | Stream where to load the document from. |
The document must be stored at the beginning of the stream. The stream must support random positioning.
Shows how to load a document using a stream.
SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> stream = System::IO::File::OpenRead(MyDir + u"Document.docx");
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(stream);
ASSERT_EQ(u"Hello World!\r\rHello Word!\r\r\rHello World!", doc->GetText().Trim());
See Also
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++
Document::Document(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>&, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions>&) constructor
Opens an existing document from a stream. Allows to specify additional options such as an encryption password.
Aspose::Words::Document::Document(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> &stream, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions> &loadOptions)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>& | The stream where to load the document from. |
loadOptions | const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions>& | Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null. |
The document must be stored at the beginning of the stream. The stream must support random positioning.
Shows how to open an HTML document with images from a stream using a base URI.
SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> stream = System::IO::File::OpenRead(MyDir + u"Document.html");
// Pass the URI of the base folder while loading it
// so that any images with relative URIs in the HTML document can be found.
auto loadOptions = MakeObject<LoadOptions>();
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(stream, loadOptions);
// Verify that the first shape of the document contains a valid image.
auto shape = System::ExplicitCast<Shape>(doc->GetChild(NodeType::Shape, 0, true));
ASSERT_FALSE(shape->get_ImageData()->get_ImageBytes() == nullptr);
ASSERT_NEAR(32.0, ConvertUtil::PointToPixel(shape->get_Width()), 0.01);
ASSERT_NEAR(32.0, ConvertUtil::PointToPixel(shape->get_Height()), 0.01);
Shows how to load an encrypted Microsoft Word document.
SharedPtr<Document> doc;
// Aspose.Words throw an exception if we try to open an encrypted document without its password.
ASSERT_THROW(doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx"), IncorrectPasswordException);
// When loading such a document, the password is passed to the document's constructor using a LoadOptions object.
auto options = MakeObject<LoadOptions>(u"docPassword");
// There are two ways of loading an encrypted document with a LoadOptions object.
// 1 - Load the document from the local file system by filename:
doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx", options);
// 2 - Load the document from a stream:
SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> stream = System::IO::File::OpenRead(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx");
doc = MakeObject<Document>(stream, options);
See Also
- Class LoadOptions
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++
Document::Document(const System::String&) constructor
Opens an existing document from a file. Automatically detects the file format.
Aspose::Words::Document::Document(const System::String &fileName)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | const System::String& | File name of the document to open. |
Shows how to open a document and convert it to .PDF.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Document.docx");
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.ConvertToPdf.pdf");
See Also
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++
Document::Document(const System::String&, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions>&) constructor
Opens an existing document from a file. Allows to specify additional options such as an encryption password.
Aspose::Words::Document::Document(const System::String &fileName, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions> &loadOptions)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | const System::String& | File name of the document to open. |
loadOptions | const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions>& | Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null. |
Shows how to create and load documents.
// There are two ways of creating a Document object using Aspose.Words.
// 1 - Create a blank document:
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
// New Document objects by default come with the minimal set of nodes
// required to begin adding content such as text and shapes: a Section, a Body, and a Paragraph.
doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->AppendChild(MakeObject<Run>(doc, u"Hello world!"));
// 2 - Load a document that exists in the local file system:
doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Document.docx");
// Loaded documents will have contents that we can access and edit.
ASSERT_EQ(u"Hello World!", doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->GetText().Trim());
// Some operations that need to occur during loading, such as using a password to decrypt a document,
// can be done by passing a LoadOptions object when loading the document.
doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx", MakeObject<LoadOptions>(u"docPassword"));
ASSERT_EQ(u"Test encrypted document.", doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->GetText().Trim());
Shows how to load an encrypted Microsoft Word document.
SharedPtr<Document> doc;
// Aspose.Words throw an exception if we try to open an encrypted document without its password.
ASSERT_THROW(doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx"), IncorrectPasswordException);
// When loading such a document, the password is passed to the document's constructor using a LoadOptions object.
auto options = MakeObject<LoadOptions>(u"docPassword");
// There are two ways of loading an encrypted document with a LoadOptions object.
// 1 - Load the document from the local file system by filename:
doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx", options);
// 2 - Load the document from a stream:
SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> stream = System::IO::File::OpenRead(MyDir + u"Encrypted.docx");
doc = MakeObject<Document>(stream, options);
See Also
- Class LoadOptions
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++
Document::Document(std::istream&) constructor
Aspose::Words::Document::Document(std::istream &stream)
See Also
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++
Document::Document(std::istream&, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions>&) constructor
Aspose::Words::Document::Document(std::istream &stream, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Loading::LoadOptions> &loadOptions)
See Also
- Class LoadOptions
- Class Document
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++