Aspose::Words::Font::ClearFormatting method

Font::ClearFormatting method

Resets to default font formatting.

void Aspose::Words::Font::ClearFormatting()


Removes all font formatting specified explicitly on the object from which Font was obtained so the font formatting will be inherited from the appropriate parent.


Shows how to insert a hyperlink field.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

builder->Write(u"For more information, please visit the ");

// Insert a hyperlink and emphasize it with custom formatting.
// The hyperlink will be a clickable piece of text which will take us to the location specified in the URL.
builder->InsertHyperlink(u"Google website", u"", false);

// Ctrl + left clicking the link in the text in Microsoft Word will take us to the URL via a new web browser window.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"DocumentBuilder.InsertHyperlink.docx");

See Also