Aspose::Words::ImageWatermarkOptions::get_Scale method

ImageWatermarkOptions::get_Scale method

Gets or sets the scale factor expressed as a fraction of the image. The default value is 0 - auto.

double Aspose::Words::ImageWatermarkOptions::get_Scale() const


Valid values range from 0 to 65.5 inclusive.

Auto scale means that the watermark will be scaled to its max width and max height relative to the page margins.


Shows how to create a watermark from an image in the local file system.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();

// Modify the image watermark's appearance with an ImageWatermarkOptions object,
// then pass it while creating a watermark from an image file.
auto imageWatermarkOptions = MakeObject<ImageWatermarkOptions>();

doc->get_Watermark()->SetImage(System::Drawing::Image::FromFile(ImageDir + u"Logo.jpg"), imageWatermarkOptions);

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.ImageWatermark.docx");

See Also