Aspose::Words::NodeCollection::IndexOf method

NodeCollection::IndexOf method

Returns the zero-based index of the specified node.

int32_t Aspose::Words::NodeCollection::IndexOf(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node> &node)
nodeconst System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&The node to locate.


The zero-based index of the node within the collection, if found; otherwise, -1.


This method performs a linear search; therefore, the average execution time is proportional to Count.


Shows how to get the index of a node in a collection.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Tables.docx");

SharedPtr<Table> table = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_Tables()->idx_get(0);
SharedPtr<NodeCollection> allTables = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Table, true);

ASSERT_EQ(0, allTables->IndexOf(table));

SharedPtr<Row> row = table->get_Rows()->idx_get(2);

ASSERT_EQ(2, table->IndexOf(row));

SharedPtr<Cell> cell = row->get_LastCell();

ASSERT_EQ(4, row->IndexOf(cell));

See Also