Aspose::Words::NodeCollection::Remove method

NodeCollection::Remove method

Removes the node from the collection and from the document.

void Aspose::Words::NodeCollection::Remove(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node> &node)
nodeconst System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&The node to remove.


Shows how to work with a NodeCollection.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Add text to the document by inserting Runs using a DocumentBuilder.
builder->Write(u"Run 1. ");
builder->Write(u"Run 2. ");

// Every invocation of the "Write" method creates a new Run,
// which then appears in the parent Paragraph's RunCollection.
SharedPtr<RunCollection> runs = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->get_Runs();

ASSERT_EQ(2, runs->get_Count());

// We can also insert a node into the RunCollection manually.
auto newRun = MakeObject<Run>(doc, u"Run 3. ");
runs->Insert(3, newRun);

ASSERT_EQ(u"Run 1. Run 2. Run 3.", doc->GetText().Trim());

// Access individual runs and remove them to remove their text from the document.
SharedPtr<Run> run = runs->idx_get(1);

ASSERT_EQ(u"Run 1. Run 3.", doc->GetText().Trim());
ASSERT_FALSE(run == nullptr);

See Also