Aspose::Words::PageSetup class
]PageSetup class
Represents the page setup properties of a section. To learn more, visit the Working with Sections documentation article.
class PageSetup : public Aspose::Words::IBorderAttrSource
Method | Description |
ClearFormatting() | Resets page setup to default paper size, margins and orientation. |
get_Bidi() | Specifies that this section contains bidirectional (complex scripts) text. |
get_BorderAlwaysInFront() | Specifies where the page border is positioned relative to intersecting texts and objects. |
get_BorderAppliesTo() | Specifies which pages the page border is printed on. |
get_BorderDistanceFrom() | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the specified page border is measured from the edge of the page or from the text it surrounds. |
get_Borders() | Gets a collection of the page borders. |
get_BorderSurroundsFooter() | Specifies whether the page border includes or excludes the footer. |
get_BorderSurroundsHeader() | Specifies whether the page border includes or excludes the header. |
get_BottomMargin() | Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom boundary of the body text. |
get_ChapterPageSeparator() | Gets the separator character that appears between the chapter number and the page number. |
get_CharactersPerLine() | Gets or sets the number of characters per line in the document grid. |
get_DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter() | True if a different header or footer is used on the first page. |
get_EndnoteOptions() | Provides options that control numbering and positioning of endnotes in this section. |
get_FirstPageTray() | Gets the paper tray (bin) to use for the first page of a section. The value is implementation (printer) specific. |
get_FooterDistance() | Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the footer and the bottom of the page. |
get_FootnoteOptions() | Provides options that control numbering and positioning of footnotes in this section. |
get_Gutter() | Gets or sets the amount of extra space added to the margin for document binding. |
get_HeaderDistance() | Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the header and the top of the page. |
get_HeadingLevelForChapter() | Gets or sets the heading level style that is applied to the chapter titles in the document. |
get_LayoutMode() | Gets or sets the layout mode of this section. |
get_LeftMargin() | Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the left edge of the page and the left boundary of the body text. |
get_LineNumberCountBy() | Returns or sets the numeric increment for line numbers. |
get_LineNumberDistanceFromText() | Gets or sets distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the document. |
get_LineNumberRestartMode() | Gets or sets the way line numbering runs that is, whether it starts over at the beginning of a new page or section or runs continuously. |
get_LinesPerPage() | Gets or sets the number of lines per page in the document grid. |
get_LineStartingNumber() | Gets or sets the starting line number. |
get_Margins() | Returns preset Margins of the page. |
get_MultiplePages() const | For multiple page documents, gets or sets how a document is printed or rendered so that it can be bound as a booklet. |
get_OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter() const | True if the document has different headers and footers for odd-numbered and even-numbered pages. |
get_Orientation() | Returns or sets the orientation of the page. |
get_OtherPagesTray() | Gets the paper tray (bin) to be used for all but the first page of a section. The value is implementation (printer) specific. |
get_PageHeight() | Returns or sets the height of the page in points. |
get_PageNumberStyle() | Gets or sets the page number format. |
get_PageStartingNumber() | Gets or sets the starting page number of the section. |
get_PageWidth() | Returns or sets the width of the page in points. |
get_PaperSize() | Returns or sets the paper size. |
get_RestartPageNumbering() | True if page numbering restarts at the beginning of the section. |
get_RightMargin() | Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the right edge of the page and the right boundary of the body text. |
get_RtlGutter() | Gets or sets whether Microsoft Word uses gutters for the section based on a right-to-left language or a left-to-right language. |
get_SectionStart() | Returns or sets the type of section break for the specified object. |
get_SheetsPerBooklet() const | Returns or sets the number of pages to be included in each booklet. |
get_SuppressEndnotes() | True if endnotes are printed at the end of the next section that doesn’t suppress endnotes. Suppressed endnotes are printed before the endnotes in that section. |
get_TextColumns() | Returns a collection that represents the set of text columns. |
get_TextOrientation() | Allows to specify TextOrientation for the whole page. Default value is Horizontal |
get_TopMargin() | Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the page and the top boundary of the body text. |
get_VerticalAlignment() | Returns or sets the vertical alignment of text on each page in a document or section. |
GetType() const override | |
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override | |
set_Bidi(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_Bidi. |
set_BorderAlwaysInFront(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_BorderAlwaysInFront. |
set_BorderAppliesTo(Aspose::Words::PageBorderAppliesTo) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_BorderAppliesTo. |
set_BorderDistanceFrom(Aspose::Words::PageBorderDistanceFrom) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_BorderDistanceFrom. |
set_BorderSurroundsFooter(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_BorderSurroundsFooter. |
set_BorderSurroundsHeader(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_BorderSurroundsHeader. |
set_BottomMargin(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_BottomMargin. |
set_ChapterPageSeparator(Aspose::Words::ChapterPageSeparator) | Sets the separator character that appears between the chapter number and the page number. |
set_CharactersPerLine(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_CharactersPerLine. |
set_DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter. |
set_FirstPageTray(int32_t) | Sets the paper tray (bin) to use for the first page of a section. The value is implementation (printer) specific. |
set_FooterDistance(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_FooterDistance. |
set_Gutter(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_Gutter. |
set_HeaderDistance(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_HeaderDistance. |
set_HeadingLevelForChapter(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_HeadingLevelForChapter. |
set_LayoutMode(Aspose::Words::SectionLayoutMode) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LayoutMode. |
set_LeftMargin(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LeftMargin. |
set_LineNumberCountBy(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LineNumberCountBy. |
set_LineNumberDistanceFromText(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LineNumberDistanceFromText. |
set_LineNumberRestartMode(Aspose::Words::LineNumberRestartMode) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LineNumberRestartMode. |
set_LinesPerPage(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LinesPerPage. |
set_LineStartingNumber(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_LineStartingNumber. |
set_Margins(Aspose::Words::Margins) | Sets preset Margins of the page. |
set_MultiplePages(Aspose::Words::Settings::MultiplePagesType) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_MultiplePages. |
set_OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter. |
set_Orientation(Aspose::Words::Orientation) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_Orientation. |
set_OtherPagesTray(int32_t) | Sets the paper tray (bin) to be used for all but the first page of a section. The value is implementation (printer) specific. |
set_PageHeight(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_PageHeight. |
set_PageNumberStyle(Aspose::Words::NumberStyle) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_PageNumberStyle. |
set_PageStartingNumber(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_PageStartingNumber. |
set_PageWidth(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_PageWidth. |
set_PaperSize(Aspose::Words::PaperSize) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_PaperSize. |
set_RestartPageNumbering(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_RestartPageNumbering. |
set_RightMargin(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_RightMargin. |
set_RtlGutter(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_RtlGutter. |
set_SectionStart(Aspose::Words::SectionStart) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_SectionStart. |
set_SheetsPerBooklet(int32_t) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_SheetsPerBooklet. |
set_SuppressEndnotes(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_SuppressEndnotes. |
set_TextOrientation(Aspose::Words::TextOrientation) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_TextOrientation. |
set_TopMargin(double) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_TopMargin. |
set_VerticalAlignment(Aspose::Words::PageVerticalAlignment) | Setter for Aspose::Words::PageSetup::get_VerticalAlignment. |
static Type() |
PageSetup object contains all the page setup attributes of a section (left margin, bottom margin, paper size, and so on) as properties.
Shows how to apply and revert page setup settings to sections in a document.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
// Modify the page setup properties for the builder's current section and add text.
builder->Writeln(u"This is the first section, which landscape oriented with vertically centered text.");
// If we start a new section using a document builder,
// it will inherit the builder's current page setup properties.
ASSERT_EQ(Orientation::Landscape, doc->get_Sections()->idx_get(1)->get_PageSetup()->get_Orientation());
ASSERT_EQ(PageVerticalAlignment::Center, doc->get_Sections()->idx_get(1)->get_PageSetup()->get_VerticalAlignment());
// We can revert its page setup properties to their default values using the "ClearFormatting" method.
ASSERT_EQ(Orientation::Portrait, doc->get_Sections()->idx_get(1)->get_PageSetup()->get_Orientation());
ASSERT_EQ(PageVerticalAlignment::Top, doc->get_Sections()->idx_get(1)->get_PageSetup()->get_VerticalAlignment());
builder->Writeln(u"This is the second section, which is in default Letter paper size, portrait orientation and top alignment.");
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"PageSetup.ClearFormatting.docx");
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++