Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_LineSpacingRule method

ParagraphFormat::get_LineSpacingRule method

Gets or sets the line spacing for the paragraph.

Aspose::Words::LineSpacingRule Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_LineSpacingRule()


Shows how to work with line spacing.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Below are three line spacing rules that we can define using the
// paragraph's "LineSpacingRule" property to configure spacing between paragraphs.
// 1 -  Set a minimum amount of spacing.
// This will give vertical padding to lines of text of any size
// that is too small to maintain the minimum line-height.

builder->Writeln(u"Minimum line spacing of 20.");
builder->Writeln(u"Minimum line spacing of 20.");

// 2 -  Set exact spacing.
// Using font sizes that are too large for the spacing will truncate the text.

builder->Writeln(u"Line spacing of exactly 5.");
builder->Writeln(u"Line spacing of exactly 5.");

// 3 -  Set spacing as a multiple of default line spacing, which is 12 points by default.
// This kind of spacing will scale to different font sizes.

builder->Writeln(u"Line spacing of 1.5 default lines.");
builder->Writeln(u"Line spacing of 1.5 default lines.");

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing.docx");

See Also