Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_SpaceAfterAuto method

ParagraphFormat::get_SpaceAfterAuto method

True if the amount of spacing after the paragraph is set automatically.

bool Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_SpaceAfterAuto()


When set to true, overrides the effect of SpaceAfter.

When you set paragraph Space Before and Space After to Auto, Microsoft Word adds 14 points spacing between paragraphs automatically according to the following rules:

  • Normally, spacing is added after all paragraphs.
  • In a bulleted or numbered list, spacing is added only after the last item in the list. Spacing is not added between the list items.
  • In a nested bulleted or numbered list spacing is not added.
  • Spacing is normally added after a table.
  • Spacing is not added after a table if it is the last block in a table cell.
  • Spacing is not added after the last paragraph in a table cell.


Shows how to set automatic paragraph spacing.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Apply a large amount of spacing before and after paragraphs that this builder will create.

// Set these flags to "true" to apply automatic spacing,
// effectively ignoring the spacing in the properties we set above.
// Leave them as "false" will apply our custom paragraph spacing.

// Insert two paragraphs that will have spacing above and below them and save the document.
builder->Writeln(u"Paragraph 1.");
builder->Writeln(u"Paragraph 2.");

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"ParagraphFormat.ParagraphSpacingAuto.docx");

See Also