Aspose::Words::RevisionCollection::AcceptAll method

RevisionCollection::AcceptAll method

Accepts all revisions in this collection.

void Aspose::Words::RevisionCollection::AcceptAll()


Shows how to compare documents.

auto docOriginal = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(docOriginal);
builder->Writeln(u"This is the original document.");

auto docEdited = MakeObject<Document>();
builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(docEdited);
builder->Writeln(u"This is the edited document.");

// Comparing documents with revisions will throw an exception.
if (docOriginal->get_Revisions()->get_Count() == 0 && docEdited->get_Revisions()->get_Count() == 0)
    docOriginal->Compare(docEdited, u"authorName", System::DateTime::get_Now());

// After the comparison, the original document will gain a new revision
// for every element that is different in the edited document.
for (const auto& r : System::IterateOver(docOriginal->get_Revisions()))
    std::cout << String::Format(u"Revision type: {0}, on a node of type \"{1}\"", r->get_RevisionType(), r->get_ParentNode()->get_NodeType())
              << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\tChanged text: \"" << r->get_ParentNode()->GetText() << "\"" << std::endl;

// Accepting these revisions will transform the original document into the edited document.

ASSERT_EQ(docOriginal->GetText(), docEdited->GetText());

See Also