Aspose::Words::Section::get_HeadersFooters method

Section::get_HeadersFooters method

Provides access to the headers and footers nodes of the section.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::HeaderFooterCollection> Aspose::Words::Section::get_HeadersFooters()


Shows how to delete all footers from a document.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Header and footer types.docx");

// Iterate through each section and remove footers of every kind.
for (const auto& section : System::IterateOver(doc->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Section>>()))
    // There are three kinds of footer and header types.
    // 1 -  The "First" header/footer, which only appears on the first page of a section.
    SharedPtr<HeaderFooter> footer = section->get_HeadersFooters()->idx_get(HeaderFooterType::FooterFirst);
    if (footer != nullptr)

    // 2 -  The "Primary" header/footer, which appears on odd pages.
    footer = section->get_HeadersFooters()->idx_get(HeaderFooterType::FooterPrimary);
    if (footer != nullptr)

    // 3 -  The "Even" header/footer, which appears on even pages.
    footer = section->get_HeadersFooters()->idx_get(HeaderFooterType::FooterEven);
    if (footer != nullptr)

              section->get_HeadersFooters()->LINQ_Count([](SharedPtr<Node> hf) { return !(System::ExplicitCast<HeaderFooter>(hf))->get_IsHeader(); }));

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"HeaderFooter.RemoveFooters.docx");

Shows how to replace text in a document’s footer.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Footer.docx");

SharedPtr<HeaderFooterCollection> headersFooters = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_HeadersFooters();
SharedPtr<HeaderFooter> footer = headersFooters->idx_get(HeaderFooterType::FooterPrimary);

auto options = MakeObject<FindReplaceOptions>();

int currentYear = System::DateTime::get_Now().get_Year();
footer->get_Range()->Replace(u"(C) 2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.", String::Format(u"Copyright (C) {0} by Aspose Pty Ltd.", currentYear), options);

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"HeaderFooter.ReplaceText.docx");

See Also