Aspose::Words::WarningType enum

WarningType enum

Specifies the type of a warning that is issued by Aspose.Words during document loading or saving.

enum class WarningType


DataLossCategory255Some text/char/image or other data will be missing from either the document tree following load, or from the created document following save.
DataLoss1Generic data loss, no specific code.
MajorFormattingLossCategory65280The resulting document or a particular location in it might look substantially different compared to the original document.
MajorFormattingLoss256Generic major formatting loss, no specific code.
MinorFormattingLossCategory16711680The resulting document or a particular location in it might look somewhat different compared to the original document.
MinorFormattingLoss65536Generic minor formatting loss, no specific code.
FontSubstitution131072Font has been substituted.
FontEmbedding262144Loss of embedded font information during document saving.
UnexpectedContentCategory251658240Some content in the source document could not be recognized (i.e. is unsupported), this may or may not cause issues or result in data/formatting loss.
UnexpectedContent16777216Generic unexpected content, no specific code.
Hint268435456Advises of a potential problem or suggests an improvement.


Shows how to set the property for finding the closest match for a missing font from the available font sources.

void EnableFontSubstitution()
    // Open a document that contains text formatted with a font that does not exist in any of our font sources.
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Missing font.docx");

    // Assign a callback for handling font substitution warnings.
    auto substitutionWarningHandler = MakeObject<ExFontSettings::HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings>();

    // Set a default font name and enable font substitution.
    auto fontSettings = MakeObject<FontSettings>();

    // We will get a font substitution warning if we save a document with a missing font.
    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"FontSettings.EnableFontSubstitution.pdf");

        SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<SharedPtr<WarningInfo>>> warnings = substitutionWarningHandler->FontWarnings->GetEnumerator();
        while (warnings->MoveNext())
            std::cout << warnings->get_Current()->get_Description() << std::endl;

    // We can also verify warnings in the collection and clear them.
    ASSERT_EQ(WarningSource::Layout, substitutionWarningHandler->FontWarnings->idx_get(0)->get_Source());
    ASSERT_EQ(u"Font '28 Days Later' has not been found. Using 'Calibri' font instead. Reason: alternative name from document.",


    ASSERT_EQ(0, substitutionWarningHandler->FontWarnings->get_Count());

class HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings : public IWarningCallback
    SharedPtr<WarningInfoCollection> FontWarnings;

    void Warning(SharedPtr<WarningInfo> info) override
        if (info->get_WarningType() == WarningType::FontSubstitution)

    HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings() : FontWarnings(MakeObject<WarningInfoCollection>())

See Also