Aspose::Words::WebExtensions::WebExtensionBinding class

WebExtensionBinding class

Specifies a binding relationship between a web extension and the data in the document. To learn more, visit the Work with Office Add-ins documentation article.

class WebExtensionBinding : public System::Object


get_AppRef() constSpecifies the binding key used to map the binding entry in this list with the bound data in the document.
get_BindingType() constSpecifies the binding type.
get_Id() constSpecifies the binding identifier.
GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
set_AppRef(const System::String&)Specifies the binding key used to map the binding entry in this list with the bound data in the document.
set_BindingType(Aspose::Words::WebExtensions::WebExtensionBindingType)Specifies the binding type.
set_Id(const System::String&)Specifies the binding identifier.
static Type()
WebExtensionBinding(const System::String&, Aspose::Words::WebExtensions::WebExtensionBindingType, const System::String&)Creates web extension binding with specified parameters.

See Also